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About Metal_Slayer

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  1. Metal_Slayer

    Why is there so much hate for the Unity Port?

    Micro stutters? Never seen anyone complain about that, it must be something on your end.
  2. Payment terminals usually don't run Windows. It's almost always based on mobile devices like Android or older phones.
  3. That's awesome, but what is this custom IWAD you made? Can you show it?
  4. Metal_Slayer

    Some unique maps or ideas for maps?

    In general most SnapMaps are a linear sequence of standard modules where you fight the same demons over and over, if you make something better than that it's good enough, just requires a lot more effort to do custom geo but it's worth it.
  5. Metal_Slayer

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    You are right, I remembered that Nerve had gone bankrupt as soon as I posted, anyways, the add-on version of Tetanus is quite more detailed than the original, the song Substite might not be as energetic as Divine Bloodlines, but it's a good MIDI.
  6. Metal_Slayer


    Interesting, but the build you played seems to be very outdated, as the weapon models still seem to be the DR4 ones. Also, these BFG-9000 wielding zombies don't seem like a good idea.
  7. Metal_Slayer

    Graf Zahl Doom

    The main reason why GZDoom became more popular than ZDoom is because the latter stopped receiving updates. Besides, both were community efforts with more than a hundred contributors.
  8. Metal_Slayer

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    Good to know that there still are add-ons being included in this port, only now I noticed that the last update that added new features was all the way back in 2020. Not sure if there's really anything that could be added since it's mostly complete and bug free now, but I liked how the developers tried to innovate with features that weren't in the original like UV+. Minor things like colored blood, extended HUD and Smooth Doom seem like the next step for it but probably wouldn't be enough to sell the game to more people, so there's no incentive for Bethesda to get sponge and Nerve to go back to work on it.
  9. Metal_Slayer

    Custom Decoration Mods?

    Brutal Doom has new decorations for the standard maps, E1M1 looks more like a Hangar, MAP13 looks more like a city et cetera. You can disable most gameplay features and just have the decorations in it.
  10. Metal_Slayer

    Paying to create a mod

    In theory there's nothing illegal or immoral in paying someone to make a mod, Doomworld administrators delete any posts related to that though. But as Shepardus pointed out this mod already exists.
  11. Metal_Slayer

    EDGE-Classic v1.37 (Updated December 2023)

    Thank you for answering, good thing that I asked before doing any work. As for the launcher, I'm only using general use ones for the source ports that don't have a specific one now.
  12. Metal_Slayer

    EDGE-Classic v1.37 (Updated December 2023)

    I have been considering getting back into porting Voxel Doom into other source ports , EDGE Classic supports .kvx voxels, but as far as I know there aren't any conversions yet, is it something anyone is working on? Also, is there a launcher specific to Classic? I know about MEGA and ESL, but the first has all of those models and textures preloaded and the latter is quite old.
  13. Since you spent your time editing that I'll bite, how much are you willing to pay? Simply saying "amazing prize" isn't enough.
  14. Metal_Slayer

    everyone is mean to Doomsday engine.

    The last update to the Risen3D executable was in 2022, but the developers still make maps for it and are still active. I think it has both advantages and disadvantages compared to Doomsday, if the idea was to merge back into DE at some point it's definitively not happening anymore.
  15. Metal_Slayer

    everyone is mean to Doomsday engine.

    Those that think 3D models and all of the effects are turned on by default and can't be turned off.