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About VentoliN13

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. VentoliN13

    Favorite Album Cover?

  2. I hope you're doing ok man. 🙂

  3. I may also need to mention that I'm playing on Delta Touch for android.
  4. Is there anyway this could be fixed? It only happens when I load project malice with TobyDoomLevels.wad this enemy sprite is frozen by the way. Forgot to add that haha
  5. VentoliN13

    Happy Time Circus 3 (WIP)

    Was Happy Time Circus III canceled?
  6. VentoliN13


    Anyway you could make it compatible with other mods like GMOTA etc that have their own hud? I love the mod by the way!
  7. VentoliN13

    Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.

    This really upsets me to great extremes. . .
  8. VentoliN13

    Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.

    This really upsets me to great extremes. . .
  9. VentoliN13

    How many demons have you killed?

    Maybe over a billion or more since I've been playing it since the 90's. . . Who knows?
  10. Does anyone know if there is a discord that keeps you updated on the bethesda add-on lineup as they release? If not, there definitely should be one.
  11. Just now found this and you are seriously the best man! 😍😁
  12. VentoliN13

    MAP01 replacement

    Great job my dude!
  13. VentoliN13

    Update 6.66 Released - Impressions

    Will there ever be more add-ons for Doom 64 on ps4 like there is for Doom I & II?