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About Esperpento

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  1. Zesiir, thank you for the feedback and kind words! Regarding the blue key arena, it's the toughest one, and I even considered making it optional. However, you can grab the blue armor and soulsphere before entering it (exploring can be very rewarding). The strategy is to never stand still and to kill all the monsters (except the cybie) before attempting the platforming. LadyMistDragon, thanks for the video! It's always nice to see others' attempts and takes on the map! I based the level on E1M1 but didn't copy and paste; the idea is that the forces of hell brought their distorted reality with them, or the old hangar was teleported into another dimension. I wanted the level to feel familiar yet uncanny and intriguing. Thanks for playing!!
  2. Hi folks! How are you? Today I bring you Hunger, an E1M1 replacement inspired by it but with a hellish twist. This is a long map, aprox 30~40' playing it blind on UV. You need the 3 keys to exit, but you can get them in any order, so exploration is encouraged. There are secrets, but the level is beatable on UV without them. UV is meant to be hard, so expect heavy opposition right from the start. Tested with PrBoom Plus 2.62 and DSDA Doom 0.27.5, should run with any limit removing port. Screenshots UV Max playthrough by Astro X: Download Now! hunger.zip Cheers!
  3. Esperpento

    Having trouble enjoying Blood (the game)

    @taufan99 The mapset is called Somewhere Under the Sea, you can get it here (hope it's okay to post the link)
  4. Esperpento

    Having trouble enjoying Blood (the game)

    This, Crispy is for cooperative I believe (or equivalent to Nightmare if you wish) and Well Done is really punishing. You have to take in consideration that this isn't Doom, it's absolutely hitscan heavy so you must use a different approach, more similar to modern fps in the sense that you have to take cover and pick corners, If you just run into rooms you'll get gunned down really fast. TNT is crucial, if you see a window or opening throw one (that's a neat skill to master, the throwing system is good once you get it) and enjoy the screams. Same before entering rooms, throw one inside as they bounce of walls and ambush the cultists. You can also drop them and shoot them to explode, baiting enemies is a must. Also crouching to make your hitbox smaller (I believe). And leave the autoaim on, some weapons don't work well without it (eg: the skull wand thing) I played it a couple of years ago and learned to love it. There are also great community maps for it (I remember one even resembled Bioshock, all underwater).
  5. Hi Astro X! I tried your map, managed to beat the initial fight but couldn't progress anymore because I suck at platforming, here is my demo: arandelademo.zip (I suggest viewing with a port thats supports fastforward as in the first minutes I was exploring/trying approaches) The maps looks really nice, I like the vanilla texturing!! Here are my first impressions, take them with a grain of salt as I only played the level for the duration of the demo: The initial fight was fun, the rocket luncher is a great weapon and having nearly unlimited ammo is a blast (pun intended). Will give it another try later, to see if I can beat the level!
  6. Just finished this masterpiece! I really liked the concept, theme and execution! What a ride!! It's hard to pick a favourite, they are all really good, but map04 really struck me visually (died countless times to the last fight, had to find the secret bfg). Last map is brutal, had to use idclip to learn the map and plan a route as time is really tight and the circular design combined with the fact that the texturing is so uniform had me lost most of the time. I ended up saving before the last fight, and after many tries when I finally thought "I got this" I discovered the HK tunnel (died to it haha). Managed to beat it with 96% kills and thats fine with me, I'm no completionist. Just an idea, it would be nice to have some more notations on the automap (as with the exit), maybe the yellow key placement (in the heat of the fight I didn't noticed it). Overall I liked the map, it's a great ending. map03 was really nice also, after beating it I replayed it for the secret. PD: nice CC reference ;)
  7. Esperpento

    Some good 32 map megawads you recommend?

    BTSX 1 & 2 are amazing and have 20+ levels, you should give them a try.
  8. Esperpento

    Gallery of Suicide

    Just finished playing it, nice map! I liked the fights, the little traps, the theme and music choice. The pair of archviles killed me more times than I would like to admit hehe. About the layout, I like how it loops around in some instances, but there are many boxy corridors without much going on (1 texture and no light variance). Texture usage and details are nice, feels cohesive. Some secrets were hard to find (plasma rifle, just like plums I spotted the shootable switch but not the other one, had to look it up in Slade). Overall it's a fun level with a nice Doom 2 vibe, keep it up! Minor detail:
  9. Esperpento

    Gallery of Suicide

    I also had the idea to do a level inspired by that album using the midi version of the homonym song. Screenshots look nice, the brown and red resembles the cover of the album. Currently at work, will check it later!!
  10. Esperpento

    What Is The Best Weapon In Doom In Your Opinion?

    I agree. IMO it's the most satisfying weapon to fire, in terms of sound, damage output, animation (I liked Doom 64 but the lack of reload animation on the ssg was painful to watch), stun chance per shot and the fact that it encourages close quarter combat. It was the perfect addition for Doom 2. I'm probably biased because I played Doom 2 first. The truth is that the weapons are very well balanced and fill different roles, so depending the map/fight/scenario they can be great or useless. PD: Killing pinkies with the SSG is such an eargasm.
  11. Shameless self plug and I dont't know if it qualifies but my wad Doom Beneath has no medikits on UV, only 9 health bonuses (also a secret supercharge on the first map and a berserk before the boss fight in the last map)
  12. Esperpento

    WADs you could describe as 'resource puzzles?'

    Yesterday just finished playing map24 (replacement of The Chasm) of Abscission and I think it may suit what you are seeking, I died a lot until I found how to progress and correctly spend the ammo. Map13 of the same megawad is also interesting in a similar sense and requires a lot of trial and error.
  13. Esperpento

    Ever play Doom on a PHONE!?

    This! I have the freedoom app on my phone (with the doom iwads for sprites, textures, midis, etc) and I like to play vanilla pwads (eg: fava beans, 10 sectors 1 & 2, Rebirth, Tetanus, Atonement) on HMP or HNTR to overcome the lack of keyboard and mouse. I suggest disabling freelook and allowing autoaim (just like the original!) to improve playability
  14. Esperpento

    what was the firsrt doom game you played

    Doom II on my mom's Mac back in 1998. I was a kid and it scared me, so I played with cheats (iddqd) I remember we also had Wolfenstein, Lemmings, Hellcats and others but none could compete with Doom, I got hooked since then.
  15. Esperpento

    How do I apply ZokumBSP in Slade?

    There is no need to check any of those options, and it will be vainilla compatible as far as I know. I don't know what those options do :P