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About DarkIceCyclone

  • Rank
    The Most Childish noobiest noob of the noobland

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  1. pretty darn rich for a narcissistic community to call someone a narcissimus


    mod edit: temp-banned for this

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paf



      Lmao. Can't own up to your own mistakes.


      I already said, if you wanted to argue, take it to PMs.

    3. DarkIceCyclone


      @MagicMushroom It's comments like yours that made me do it in the first place. And paf, unlike you,  i can own up to my mistakes. thios isn't one of them

    4. Paf



      Take it to DMs already.

  2. DarkIceCyclone

    My life changing derail

    Correction: I'm retaliating the same way.
  3. DarkIceCyclone

    My life changing derail

    1) Moderation can and probably will delete posts containing videos that contain insults towards community members (or if they can't, why the hell not, what is this, 80's?), but the way you "discouraged it" by putting someone down, was straight out insulting. And since I've also been at the business end of your mouth twice before that comment, you really can't expect me to stand by and just watch you insult someone else as well, accidental or not. 2) So what is so wrong with playing doom in modern source port? Even worse, where the fuck you see 5fps? maybe your internet needs an upgrade. As for that vomit, you missed that projectile. 3) @BMFG I'm not against people who tell others to not doubt themselves. What I am against is "worthless/effortless post" and other such comments that are not only insulting, but also just plain stupid comment to make. You'll notice I didnt bring out other people, who did the same thing without throwing an insult in, only the one guy who did manage to bring in an insult.
  4. DarkIceCyclone

    My life changing derail

    This community,,,,heres a video and some feedback...along some... spicy comments towards certain individuals. Excuse the early fumbling with sound, had some hardware issues and thought it was software issue xd
  5. DarkIceCyclone

    My third (first public) map

    I'm using OBS Studio. @Dub Bag has used it for quite some time, he can help you with setting it up. Sorry for tagging you, Dub, but thought he should know.
  6. DarkIceCyclone

    My third (first public) map

    Errrm.... There are even "better looking maps" out there in the IWADs :D Also, I usually play on HMP, not that good with UV. As for insecurities, i definetly know the issue of that. I've did some dumb shit because of that and I'm still mad the way a mod responded to it. So yhea, you're doing fine. I will give the second version another try. Maybe I'm just too dumb :D
  7. DarkIceCyclone

    My third (first public) map

    Sadly, this map was too difficult for me. however, here is the gameplay video of the portion i did complete. Keep improving! Reading these replies now, properly, it turns out, I may have cheesed the hell knights and the pain elemental :D Edit: Oh damn, seems winraring while recording has seriously messed up the video quality
  8. DarkIceCyclone

    transfer my map from doom builder 2 to ultimate doom builder

    First, you need to identify your issue: is it textures or items. If textures, follow the answers above you. In case of textures or items, and you just saved into wrong Iwad (Ultimate Doom instead of DOOM II) : The easiest thing is what @Stabbey told you: Copy the whole map, open up a new map in different doom format, paste it, test it, save it if it works properly. Here is what we understand from your post: You saved a DOOM I (Ultimate Doom) map. As a result, you can only play it in Ultimate Doom. If you want to play that map in doom 2,and Stabbeys solution did not help, you need to do as @Dark Pulse already said. First you need to download slade. Unfortunately, the website for Slade currently says "connection refused." In Slade you open up your wad file, find the marker that has E1M1(Or ExMx (Where X stands for number) as Ultimate doom is in Episode format) and change it to MAP01 (Anything between Map01 to Map30 will work, depending on which episode it's on). Then save the file and run the map then. Or another (third) option (This also required Slade 3), is to add the missing textures or items directly from the Iwad. You need to figure out first, if you used Doom I (Ultimate Doom) and DOOM II textures, and then, which ones are missing. After that, you open up your wad file in Ultimate Doom Builder or Doom Builder 2, look for the name of missing textures, write them down, and then copy them from Doom I (Ultimate Doom) Iwad into your file. To see how to add textures, look for doomkid tutorials. My texture issues were helped by this tutorial: However, for adding items, you may need to search around. When you have multiple sources listed as source for your wad, you will need to make sure all the textures are also present at the final product. If you test a wad with multiple sources on only one Iwad and have not compiled them into your Pwad file, you will get missing texture or item errors. The same is true if something is incorrectly added. You can always include a wad file in your troubleshooting posts. You can edit your post by clicking on Edit Post button at the bottom. The backups are made automatically by Ultimate Doom builder, in case it crashes. It tends to still have a lot of bugs, since it is a community developed developer tool. Bugs are bound to happen, backups are neccessery to prevent loss of data. Edit: @Stabbey I actually .zip archive my backups and different map versions until the development is complete, then I .rar it into highest compression possible. Despite prefabs, you never know when you need to find something from an old map.
  9. DarkIceCyclone

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Not sure what to do with this one
  10. DarkIceCyclone

    How would you make a Doom Superweapon?

    The tweet spammer. When used, it fires the dumbest tweets at the hellspawn stunning and stupifying them to the point that they become friendly to player and devour each other instead. Joke comment aside, i believe a tracer plasma gun would be the main replacement. A weapon that locks targets, ioenizes the gas on it's path and the shoots a 180 degree arc of lightning rays at near lightspeed rates. Similar to christmas gun, but a lot more accurate and damaging thanks to it's rapid rate of fire and inability to miss, (but getting intercepted). Probably blue or purple rays, as it would ignite mostly oxygen or nitrogen atoms. However if there is anything in doom theme that could help you get out of a pinch, it is not a weapon, it is a device, most likely a device that would rapidly heal you while giving an adrenaline buff
  11. DarkIceCyclone

    Can enemies' corpses be teleported after they've been killed?

    i forgot boom doesn't have mapspots, but maybe similar effect can be achieved if chaingunner death triggers wall lowering for arch vile closets, teleporing arch viles in and scrolling the corpse out
  12. DarkIceCyclone

    Can enemies' corpses be teleported after they've been killed?

    I might have missed something, but you can make a scrolling floor that would scroll the corps backwards towards the teleport line at the second sector in the back. Making the sector low enough will make sure arch viles can't step on it, for one, and two, they are fast enouh to overcome the speed of scrolling floors in the first place. If thats not an option, just ignore me
  13. DarkIceCyclone

    Problem with lag

  14. DarkIceCyclone

    Problem with lag

    @K_Doom I belive it was the ladder i climbed, look at the video right after i climbed the ladder