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About Mercury191872

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  1. Mercury191872

    Veranda - A dreamy, liminal, brutalist map

    they are meant to be statues, you can see they dont move at all because one of their idle frames is removed. in a previous version of that fight they would come to life but i didnt like it so now they are just decoration. i could have set up some crushers to kill them later i guess or put their sprite on an object and just use that but i didnt bother on account of idrc about uvmax
  2. Mercury191872

    [Release] Outpost 13

    the detail and atmosphere in this is incredible, the difficulty is right where it should be for a map like this. very precise and impressive. lovely experience <3
  3. Not the first junky map I've made but the first I'm uploading anywhere. Thank you SeeJay for playtesting the map when it was still in rough(er) shape. Inspired by my love of malls and the album Illuminations by FM Skyline. A fairly linear adventure through a dreamily brutalist structure with a few tonal shifts and surprises sprinkled in. Middling difficulty and a playtime of somewhere between 20-30 minutes. Designed around UV. Single map WAD Complevel 9 Tested in PrBoom and DSDA Some small visual issues in OpenGL veranda.zip
  4. Mercury191872

    Favorite Doom YouTuber?

  5. Mercury191872

    New Among Us themed wad!

    holy fucking bingle! what? :3