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About akolai

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  1. Map Name: neuron Author: akolai Music: fuzzball - cola hunchback splashback Comments: disgraceful horrible brilliant garbage. absolutely every idea that came to me was added with no filter whatsoever. very easy to softlock on the exit. Download: neuron.zip Screenshot: Map Name: the ash tastes better with friends Author: kokoda Music: msx - the binding Comments: inspired by rosyrubi map05 Download: tatbwf.zip Screenshot: neither map was touched after time up, but both are playable (/ as playable as intended)
  2. akolai

    Junk Food Demos [-complevel 9)

    last one, promise map68 UV-Max in 11:22 junk68m1122.zip
  3. akolai

    Junk Food Demos [-complevel 9)

    map63 UV-Max in 11:11.11 junk63m1111.zip
  4. akolai

    Junk Food Demos [-complevel 9)

    map36 UV-Max in 25:15 junk36m2515.zip
  5. ... sure, i've been working on 'something' this being organised anywhere other that doomworld?
  6. akolai

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    works fine for me. breathless got an update at one point, are you using the idgames version?
  7. akolai

    What defines a good slaughter map?

    i've wanted to talk about this fight for a while. ode2impslayer is a shitpost megawad made almost entirely over the course of a few hours by dozens of contributors. all* maps were required to use map01 as a template, with no ability to add or remove lines - only move vertices and edit line/sector information. this is one of the most punishing set of restrictions ever devised, so it genuinely blew my mind to find such an interesting, nuanced, and dissectable fight slotted randomly in the back half. you have to start working on the cacos before they completely steal your platform space, but you can't focus on them safely while the revs are alive - so the challenge is to deal with them as efficiently as possible. there is a lot you can do to optimise this, but staying alive is already quite difficult. dodging the revs consistently necessitates that you constantly cross the gap, which means avoiding situations in which you're forced to dodge, since that's not an option while lining up the fairly tight jump. there's a fun contradiction here, moving quickly enough to outrun the revball, while spending enough time at each wing for the caco projectile spam to move away from the crossing so you can safely jump without losing half your health, or missing the jump due to knockback. something else that's not immediately obvious is that you have to move slightly towards the revs at each wing to allow enough room to dodge the revball on the way back. once the revs are dead, pick a side and go to work. finding a moment to get rid of the revball can be awkward and you risk losing control of the space if you're not careful, so i like to use it to my advantage and bait it into cacos for extra dps. space management if one of the most important aspects of a good slaughter fight, and this map pulls it off in a complex fashion. you might also notice i don't spend much time dodging individual projectiles in this run - many slaughter fights (but not all - up to preference) do this, to place focus on macro-scale strategy, making broad decisions about how to handle the situation, rather than solely on a more conventional skillset. all this is to say, you can find slaughter in unexpected places. as a rule of thumb, if you find yourself suffocating to death rather than getting pelted and losing to atrition, it's probably a slaughter fight - and if you like the way that fight feels mechanically, take it apart. see what each piece does, try to think about what would happen if you got rid of each piece, or if you added one of your own.
  8. akolai

    GOODWAD demos [complevel 21]

    map22 UV-Speed in 6:30 gw22-630.zip
  9. akolai

    1x1 demos [-complevel 21]

    map31 UV-Max in 1:23:28 1x131m12328.zip video:
  10. not so sure about rng, but in terms of raw "that should not have worked under any circumstances" energy...
  11. @Artinum it's a puzzle map that relies on a very particular mechanic, i imagine gz patches it.
  12. Map name: exitspace_ Author: akolai Music: let loose the carpet cleaners, by fuzzball Restrictions: all from first + pacifist puzzle/platforming with a hitscan enemy Notes: cl21 speedmap shitpost. mock2 map15 inspired. i resorted to more senseless linedef torture to pad the count. textures: EXITSIGN, FIREBLU1, ALLBLACK. flats: ALLBLAKF, CITYF01, GRAYSLM1. pick whichever second category restriction you think suits this best. exitspace_.zip
  13. update to previous. realised i still had a few lines to torture the engine with. Map name: her eyes point upwards to a better future in a pristine city of stars Author: akolai Music: soilscraper by yakfak Restrictions: all from first list + barrels Notes: cl21 speedmap shitpost. includes unpleasant sector fuckery. heputabfiapcosv2.zip
  14. Map name: her eyes point upwards to a better future in a pristine city of stars Author: akolai Music: soilscraper by yakfak Restrictions: all from first list + barrels Notes: cl21 speedmap shitpost. includes sectorless control sectors. flats are BRIKGTH4, CITYF05, F_SKY1, textures are CITY02, CITY05, CITY12 heputabfiapcos.zip
  15. *mud has entered the chat* ww5 map32 uv-speed in 13.77 ww532-1377.zip video: