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About DreadWanderer

  • Rank
    Wandering around the Doom universe

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  1. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    A couple more slime trails in MAP11:
  2. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    Magic isn't it? Shaky train gonna shake. It's not vanilla ofc but to come up with that in limit-removing is still amazing. Zeppelin Armada is probably top of the line when it comes to all the tricks, but this isn't too far behind. More good things to come I'm sure.
  3. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    Bug report - slime trail in MAP05:
  4. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    I've only sampled 4 maps so far but it's definitely shaping up to be a great experience. It's a testament to the skill of the crew that I'm not necessarily interested in shooting stuff (though the action is fine), but in everything else which contributes to the worldbuilding: the dark music, the sprite work (Vassago-headed chaingunners and Judge Dredd-like revenants, anyone?), and the tasteful exposition of industrial decay and of the remnants of a nature that we've failed. The grit hits hard - it feels like in this world, Doomguy is not killing the baddies in order to save humanity (there's little to save of it anyway), but because it's all he knows, it's the only thing keeping him sane. If you want the post-apocalyptic vibes of Ashes 2063 without committing to a total conversion, this is the wad for you, in all its -complevel 2 glory. Great stuff.
  5. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    You could say that Carnage Oasis also fits that bill to some extent, though what I see in this one is much more detailed.
  6. DreadWanderer

    DBP68: Outposts Of The Wasteland RC1.3 [-cl 2]

    Super cool screens, congrats on the release!
  7. I'm sure there's a little mod somewhere that turns all enemies into arch-viles or something like that. Should serve the needs of anyone looking for stimulation! 😄
  8. I love it when scathing reviews begin with pseudo-academic aplomb, only to crash and burn barely 30 seconds later with recommendations like "the wad would be 10 times better with Ultra-Brutal Doom Double Diamond Edition v 3.7 (Monsters Only) + Russian Overkill". Peak comedy.
  9. DreadWanderer

    Good Mods

    Grab a couple more source ports
  10. DreadWanderer

    [MegaWAD] [RC4] Astral Globetrot

    @Quackjen fair enough, regarding berserk I don't mind it since punching stuff is fun, the only place where it was overused was in MAP21. That's mostly on me because I missed the chaingun hidden in a bedroom so I had to punch my way through a lot of revs and HKs while scrounging for shells 😅
  11. DreadWanderer

    [MegaWAD] [RC4] Astral Globetrot

    Yeah I managed to see the ledge how, damn, so sneaky! Thanks! I'm currently on MAP22 and still enjoying it, though I must confess that the wind was took out of my sails a bit due to some elements which, while remaining consistent and thus predictable, still cause me trouble. I noticed that you enjoy a combination of backtracking traps, cramped encounters, and moderate to severe ammo starvation relative to the opposition. The latter would be fine if your goal was to encourage infighting frequently but sometimes the layouts and the composition of the traps do not really allow for this, especially when high priority targets like pain elementals and arch-viles are involved. Another thing which kinda bothered me is how in almost every level, armor and big weapons come in much later than I'd want them to and are relatively well-hidden. As a result I often feel like I'm underpowered and at risk of dying even in smaller encounters. 'No Quarter Forest' is maybe a great example of this, where the much-needed plasma gun requires the player to suffer through a ton of exposure before going up that tree trunk to find it. This means that even when the levels are nominally open-ended, one can end up in a lot of trouble if they don't follow the most optimal path. I've somewhat adapted to your style by trying to play conservatively and defensively and camping the hell out of some sections, so we'll see how the last stretch goes.
  12. DreadWanderer

    [MegaWAD] [RC4] Astral Globetrot

    Btw I assume that one of the switches required to unlock the yellow key in MAP31 can only be reached via archvile jump(s)? Looked in UDB and couldn't find anything. I'm talking about the one near the metal pillars that can be traversed. Currently not on my PC but I can share a screenie later if necessary.
  13. @Nacho_y that's the most recent build of DSDA.
  14. @Tembry-Glintstone Very interesting, thanks! What I get from this is that it's a combination of the source port problem and perhaps an unwillingness to invest the time and effort into setting up multiplayer, with the negative effects coming from the comfort of contemporary technology on top of everything else. I do believe that this limits our attention span and makes us less tech-savvy so to speak, but that's a broader topic 😄
  15. If there is a text file I always read it in order to get info on mappers and music if they're not all available on a DW thread or something. Sometimes text files contain super interesting snippets on design, inspiration, the thought process behind making certain maps, or even some extra narrative. It's almost never a waste of time because you nearly always learn something cool.