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About Djoga

  • Rank
    BOOM/MBF Brainrot

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  1. Since it's coming back to life I'd like to take map03
  2. Stuff IRL happened but I didn't forget If maps have names I call it Deliver Us to Evil
  3. Djoga

    Post your Doom textures!

  4. Djoga

    Feedback for a first map

    Just finished it and I must say this was a very good start. This is your first map but you already put plutonia-style traps there, very cool, but I wish there was one with hell knights and plasma. Maybe I am just bloodthirsty but the map felt underpopulated. The map would benefit from more monsters that are put at corners and in corridors far away from the player, so the fights are a bit more challenging and you don't just come and shoot them. The secrets were smart, especially the one with shootable switch, but the entrance to that secret area was too far away, I didn't hear anything open and had to go back and forth to find the passageway. Overall the map was fun to play, and I am looking forward to your future works.
  5. That linedef shouldn't have any door actions, that wall is supposed to stay open for the rest of the level
  6. Finished playing the beta. Took 2 hours to get to IoS and 30 minutes to look for the secrets I missed. So I found some things that caught my attention: - As mentioned earlier, I got softlocked in Industrial Zone - You can open a door inside the Citadel from this far - Misaligned door texture in Bloodfalls - The cyberdemon in Gotcha! can get stuck at the edge and be pushed off of the platform - My segment felt a bit too easy, so I am gonna make it worse DJOGA-TQ2-MAP22-V4.zip Overall the beta is pretty good, looking forward to the updates.
  7. Gonna leave a playthrough comment as well Got softlocked in the Industrial Zone segment
  8. Author of the Catacombs segment here. The switch was supposed to raise the gray platform, and it was connected to the higher floor sector outside the map, so I guess sectors became disjointed during the assembly. While I am still on this, @ViolentBeetle please make the imp teleporter sign visible on the automap and lower the south gate to the segment by 8 map units.