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About JeffAri

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  1. ngl based on the band logo I thought it would be a rock song or something like that so I didn't really expect a pretty calm instrumental song, definitely don't hate it though :3
  2. JeffAri

    Favorite shooter after 2000?

    Postal 2 I love that game :3
  3. This is just a topic to tell people about bands that you are fan of that aren't really that well known, whether they are just kinda unknown to only known by a handful of people, I'll start A band that I have been getting into recently is The Devilz Work, a metal band that you might know about if you're an avid fan of Doomkid, since he was a guitarist in the band and has made some midi versions of the band's songs, most notably the song featured below has a midi version of it that was used as Map08 in the Plutiona Midi Pack (among a couple Doomkid maps as well) He also released a wad in 2014 named after the band I found about this band back in Summer of 2021 during a short period of time where was a little obsessed with Doomkid and stumbled upon the band's youtube page but I didn't really check out their music until recently and quite enjoyed it :3 Here are some other songs by them that I personally like:
  4. JeffAri

    Charred 3 Map Demo

    thank you ^w^ (Also I like your pfp)
  5. JeffAri

    Charred 3 Map Demo

    thanks :3
  6. A 90's Bullshit wad, in other words a community project where the gimmick is to make a map with the most amount of annoying things or tropes seen in many 90's doom wads, also the design of the maps should be primitive to match this aesthetic (i.e. very square areas that are quite flat or midis that seem just slapped in there and don't fit the level at all) So pretty much just think of any annoying thing seen in many wads from the 90's and make a map using those and submit it to the project I wouldn't want to play it more so I think it's just a funny concept :3
  7. I would recommend this video by Doomkid, it's a little long but still a good watch also downloading a program like WhackEd4 is essential to editing stuff like that
  8. idk where you see a 5 on there but you're welcome?
  9. I mean I guess that's a likley possibility
  10. actually that's a really good point lol
  11. well it sorta looks like the eyes are full black for the most part and the face looks too thin to be that of a human also the mouth looks kinda off in the sense that it looks like the mouth of a skull or a zombie and this might be a shadow but it sorta looks like blood underneath and near the neck of the marine (like the zombieman) but again that could just be a shadow as it doesn't really have a red tint for the most part
  12. Ok so after the responses I've seen that have proved my claim horribly wrong I would like to retract all of what was said here, what was said in this post doesn't apply to my current opinion on who the second marine might be So I assuming that we all know how about this guy on the box cover of Doom so I've seen a lot of people say this another Marine that's trapped in Hell with Doomguy and in redrawn version of the cover of Doom using different characters this guy is depicted as another character in the universe of those characters like in this image by Jim Algar The thing that bugs about this is that I'd say it's kinda obvious that the the second marine is not a fellow doom guy but is instead one of the zombie enemies (like the zombiemen, shotgunners, or chaingunners) due to the skull looking face and the fact that the only enemy in doom that resemble Doom guy in any way ARE the zombiemen and shotgunners (also there's no way it could be nodding to the existence of chaingunners is because chaingunners didn't exisit in Doom yet, obviously) Now the statement that none of said enemies have the same helmet as Doomguy could be said to refute this but idk the fact that the 2nd marine has a very zombie or skull-like face, the only enemy in Doom that resemble Doomguy being the zombiemen and shotgunners, AND the reason that the 2nd marine being one of the previous said enemies or at least a nod to it only makes sense imo But that's just what I think and if you have evidence to suggest that I am wrong please tell me also yes I know this is kind of a trivial thing to be so pressed over but still it's bugged me for a while I needed to get it out of my mind somehow
  13. JeffAri

    Charred 3 Map Demo

    oooohhhhhh ok I didn't know that about rar files, my bad also I wasn't entirely expecting this to get much if any traction, I was just hoping that at least one person gave some sort of feedback that's mainly because ngl my mapping skills are usually just decent at best so I don't really expect people to be wow'd by the screenshots of my maps lol
  14. JeffAri

    Charred 3 Map Demo

    thank you for liking map 2 ^w^ also the thing about BROWN144 I was planning on changing that to something that looking a little better I just forgot to lol also I kinda indented on map 1 not having a very fleshed out texture variety since it's not meant to be that complicated of a map but yeah I do think you're right about the texturing in map 3, ngl I kinda started getting a little lazy near the end of making it lmao also thank you for the broken door textures :3 but also may I ask, what is wrong with rar files? like genuinely I don't know what you mean by that