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About Gentlepoke

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  1. Just as an aside, you broke Graf Zahl for a moment back then, which I gotta say was mighty impressive!
  2. Gentlepoke

    Doom 2 Sucks 2 - A Critical Analysis

    Gotcha, that would make more sense.
  3. Gentlepoke

    Doom 2 Sucks 2 - A Critical Analysis

    If this is clickbait, I would be interested in seeing what would constitute original content. Quite liked the video, slickly made and very enjoyable to watch. For MAP18, it's likely just a case of it just being a Doom 1 map noting it doesn't use any textures from Doom II. For some of the inconsistencies, it's possible that id Software might have inadvertently some of those in order to lengthen the game (Map 19) by requiring trial / error as well as the 1 mandatory key, 1 optional key solution you have to uncover.
  4. Communities in general can be quite cliquey in design. In the communities you want to contribute / be a part of, best thing to do is to take it steady, and not rush into things. If you let your input be gradual, more people will take notice and you'll likely get a better reaction / more opportunities for collaboration.
  5. Gentlepoke

    Item redisigns

    I sense they probably meant to post this in https://www.doomworld.com/forum/80-mods-resources/.
  6. Gentlepoke

    thoughts on "palworld"?

    Looks fun, bought the game but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
  7. Gentlepoke

    weird "Banned" Screen for no reason

    That's the risk you face when using a VPN, as typically such services get blocked by sites because they can be open to abuse.
  8. Gentlepoke

    Buddy's wad

    Gave it a go, not bad for a first map. Reminds me of the sample map which came with the DEU editor.
  9. Gentlepoke

    TNT Composer died?

    However, Reclamation was from 1999, and the image that OP is referring to relates to was (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/138050-what-does-tyrese-have-to-do-with-doom/?do=findComment&comment=2678484) the following which clearly says "TNT Evilution composer died" as opposed to "TeamTNT composer died":
  10. Gentlepoke

    SDLB in OG Doom Eternal title screen?

    As per your Tyrese thread: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/138050-what-does-tyrese-have-to-do-with-doom/?tab=comments#comment-2678484 It likely doesn't mean anything, without direct contact with the creator of the iceberg image, it's quite likely it was put in to throw people off. The only thing relating to Doom Eternal's Menu music relates to Mick Gordon vs Bethesda, where Bethesda replaced the original song for a time, appear to have reached a compromise and then restored the original track. This also explains some of the David Levy entries in that image.
  11. Gentlepoke

    What does Tyrese have to do with Doom?

    For whatever reason, that Tyrese name is used twice in this particular iceberg. Possibly a copyright trap to prevent others from duplicating their "iceberg", if it can be called that or to trip people up?
  12. Gentlepoke

    What does Tyrese have to do with Doom?

    Found the origin of this, as well as https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/138048-tnt-composer-died/ which comes from https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/wcv69z/doom_iceberg_i_found_on_the_iceberg_subreddit/ The image in that Reddit post appears to be as follows, and as how quite a few people have mentioned in this thread, quite a few of these entries are bunk / jokes.
  13. Gentlepoke

    TNT Composer died?

    None of the composers of TNT: Evilution's sound track are dead. Ty Halderman is the only known member of TNT: Evilution who has passed way.
  14. Well, in that case? Who doesn't? Gotta stay alive after all! In terms of using cheats, mostly if I want to go back through a map and want to work out where exactly the secrets were and how they are implemented.