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Kontra Kommando

Aliens: The Ultimate Doom (TC) [Major Changes inbound for Graphics, and Gamplay]

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I remember some ancient Aliens mod for Doom or Doom 2, but I've never found it since. It was not much more than one level, iirc, and there wasn't a coherent story or anything, it was mostly a demo or arena style thing. But it had aliens, predators, afaik androids, possibly more than one alien type, face huggers, etc. - the alien assets were no doubt from Justin Fischer's TC. But I'd still love to find that mod again one day.

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kristus said:

Alien blood is not green. It is yellow.

I decided to make it green, because that's how they had it in Alien Trilogy, also in Alien 3: The Gun.

However, Aliens (HD), the other project I'm working on, will have more yellowish blood.

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I have been significantly changing the game play of Aliens: The Ultimate Doom (TC) to have more of an authentic Aliens film feel. As I had done in the open-world survival horror; I decided it would be best if the game utilized Dark Doom as a permanent game feature. This will compel the player to use flares and the flashlight. Facing the xenomorphs in a darkened area really plays to their advantage; making them more challenging. Furthermore, I have added blue-luminescent floor lamps of two different variety. They sometimes spawn in place of a monster; this helps to create a Aliens (1986)-like atmosphere. Also, I have replaced the soundtrack with a continuous howling wind reminiscent of LV-426, which really adds a lot of atmosphere. As much as I love the aliens games OST i have in there now; it makes the game less scary, and more action. Beta 9.0 will have a more horror-like feel.

I am also thinking of adding more clutter like gas canisters, hand-trucks, and sprites of various boxes, in place of pick ups. You will have to break or move them get through certain areas. Further more, I am considering to make the item pick ups "spring" out of random locations. I got the idea to make it based off of the way the blood decorate is coded. One particular decorate item will randomize to invisibly "gib" into a cluster of pick up items. Basically, this would make the pick-ups less scare, and even more randomized with every playthrough.

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I think that having an environment with similar lighting to AVP2000 would be fantastic. Dark enough that you can't see shit without the night vision mode but bright enough that night vision gets fucked up by the lights. I know this uses a flashlight not night vision but it's still a good idea.

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I really like the look of this. Does the Xenomorph blood injure the player though? You know, for authenticity. :)

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Obsidian said:

I really like the look of this. Does the Xenomorph blood injure the player though? You know, for authenticity. :)

yep, the acid blood causes damage for about 10 seconds after it hits the ground.

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Here are some new decorate items I will have randomly spawn in place of pick-ups; I intend on creating many more. There will also be alternative versions of each facing the opposite direction.

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There will be significant graphical changes, and redos; even the xenomorphs will be updated. I have been working at full attention towards updating Alien: The Ultimate Doom. New random decorations (Boxes, handtrucks, and other clutter) will spawn in clusters of 5, and you will be able to walk over them. They have a height of 5, and are pushable if the floor requires it. I have been playtesting it, and it have not inhibited the gameplay experience. It have actually helped to further immerse the player into an aliens-like environment. They spawn differently each time, and fall in different arrangements. I have also be working on drastically changing the gameplay. There's still plenty of action, but it also feels like a survival horror. I'd say it skates of the line of action, and survival horror. Ammo and heath are arranged differently now. Now they spawn in clusters like the new decorate. Thus ammo and health are randomly generated in different spots of the map. Its easier for me to control how much ammo and heath is randomly populated into the map, at the start of the level. I have added just enough ammo and health on average to make the player be more conscientious of his ammo reserves, and damage taken.

Beta 9.0 will bare little resemblance to the current beta. The pictures and videos I've posted don't even properly reflect how the next installment of this mod will be portrayed. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to provide you guys with a true preview. I'd say the next beta is very much inspired by Alien: Isolation.

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here's a preview of the new xenomorph sprites. The drone will have bird-like legs as they were in Alien Isolation. I will scale it down to be appropriately sized in-game. this should be just about right, in terms of their resolution with the rest of the game; it worked for the praetorian. I made these rather quickly, over the course of a day and a half. There will still need to be some detailing, but that shouldn't take long. I will use these sprites as the foundation for the warrior and the runner as well.

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