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   (2 reviews)
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About This File

If you suck at Doom don't play this level, it's not worth your time. Erase it now. Or, if you don't have Super DooM Guns, wait till you do. Otherwise, read on.

Well, just like the last, this level is made for those who think they are badass players. Run through it on UV, and that should be enough to make you swear! I did make HMP level lower the monsters, you also loose some weapons, but it is easier, for those of you who were wrong about being a badass. If you beat this level, hey, GOOD JOB, otherwise, play it again, SAM! If you think it is impossible, well, you're a wimp, it has been beaten by people other than me.

If you find that you like the challenge, and the re-occuring themes (teleports) and want some more challenges, get a hold of the other levels in the LUCK series. You can get them at my BBS (listed below) or the one you got this one at.

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Maximum Matt


Luckout? More like.. SUCKOUT!!

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Unknown date

A small, plain stone map, with a couple of big traps involving tons of teleporting monsters. The gameplay is pretty brutal -- not nearly as difficult as the author claims, of course (this is a very old map!), but a lot of fun. Plenty of opportunities for tactic playing... or you can just charge through. Watch out for hidden teleporting lines. No secrets. Recommended for a quick, fun slaughter. --3/5

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