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Just Have Fun.

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Unknown date

Very good; lovely design and with a nice balance of health and ammo etc. I think I stumbled on the same trap as the reviewer above (it should have been obvious, but it made me grin).

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Unknown date

In the room full filed the the rocketters, you need chance, and I hate this fact!! Gameplay?!? There is none! Very well designed, but absolutely not funny. 2/5 - Jive

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Unknown date

I had fun until the revenants blew me up.

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Unknown date


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Unknown date

I liked this map. 4/5.

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Unknown date

Good map. Attractive design, and reasonably challenging gameplay, albeit a little uneven. Deserves 4/5, but I'll give it 5/5 to compensate to Jive's little tantrum. The invul in the revenant trap room is quite sufficient.

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Unknown date

Different and detailing is good, but there are too many themes. Looks good but the gameplay is somewhat off. 3/5 -SM

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Unknown date

Nice level, had trouble working out where the doors were, on the whole good design and fun/hard to play

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Unknown date

Another temple map by Hans de Heus, much better than the previous one. I felt like some traps were a little unfair (not only the rev one, where I miraculously survived, but also the one with RL and 8 hell knights, where I died. Maybe I just suck.). I also had to skip some monsters because I couldn't find enough ammo to deal with them. That aside, it's a fun and atmospheric map, if a bit too linear and catacomb-like (almost no large areas, everything is separated by doors).

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Unknown date

Another competent and enjoyable map. Keep 'em coming 5/5 FP

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Unknown date

There is not enough health, but the rest is good. 4/5

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Unknown date

Yay yet another whine about the rev room :P. 4/5 - Belial

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Unknown date

Very nice; I like your style and level of detail, along with the texture choices. Great work! -Tango

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Unknown date

This is just excellent. Great atmosphere, great use of graphics, great monster placement. Well done! One of the traps scared the crap outta me, but I won't tell you which one :P 5/5

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Unknown date

Very enjoyable. 5/5

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Unknown date

A good map overall. The only negative point is that a lot of the gameplay is routine, punctuated by just a few tricky moments.

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  • File Reviews

    • By yurikasupershotgun2311 · Posted
      i love fungus abortion thank you :) my girlfriend said i suck at doom and she lowkey kinda bullied me but its not ur fault i love ur level mr or ms or mx guest :)
    • By Lmao · Posted
      I like it, now we need an official quad-shotgun 
    • By Mizuki_Jun10 · Posted
      DOOM: Awesome, Episode 1. For me, it was worth playing this episode because I particularly like Episode Replacements!   Just now getting to know Giest118 thanks to this level design work, I realized that he is very talented in organizing symmetrical layouts in a consistent way, like well-placed and built rooms, which really makes you recognize good architectural work on the maps, and in my gameplay, that was what I noticed the most potential in overall.   However, this episode lacks a lot of elements in general, and they are quite specific, since this episode is not bad, but I would enjoy it more if it executed those specific elements better, such as: enemy positioning, texturing, charisma, etc.   The enemy positioning really isn't that pleasant, with them being placed repeatedly, thus making the combat monotonous and extremely predictable many times.   And although the texturing is far from being considered bad, it rarely reveals details and a very high quality positioning, we rarely have misaligned textures, but overall, we don't have something high level, however, being realistic, many of the details in the maps do justice to the quality, but not enough.   We had very good moments here and there most of the time, nothing incredible, the level that caught my attention the most was E1M6, this level is a classic! And it made me love the episode as a whole, however, it doesn't hold up to the quality of the entire episode alone.   The final battle was quite monotonous due to the layout, and too many heavy enemies without the player having better resources, and I dare say that it was quite disappointing to have a final fight like that, I wish it were better.   To recap more directly, the maps are good, but they are not that memorable, with many of them holding unimpressive moments, with E1M4 being a good example since it was the level that best describes what I said earlier. The enemy positioning could be better, the architecture is very good, the details are good, at times it is lacking, and it lacks more of the positive aspects that E1M6 has for example.   I can say that DOOM: Awesome, Episode 1, is an average episode, unfortunately.
    • By Daemonic Synergy · Posted
      Good stuff. A very pleasant surprise. I stumbled upon this by chance. Someone mentioned it and I realized it was something I had not played before. I dove right in completely blind and I'm glad I did. Not too complex or overwhelming, but with enough action to keep you consistently engaged. Right up my alley.  
    • By Alexandra · Posted
      Appreciate the maniacal level of attention paid to texture alignment in these lo-fi E2-styled spaces. An easy, gentle appetizer for the harder WAD you'll play next.