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XXXI CyberSky

   (59 reviews)
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About This File

One level (map31) for limit removing ports. This map contains 39114 sidedefs, so you need port which can handle more than 32767 sidefs. PrBoom-Plus or GZDoom are recommended.

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Unknown date

Really good, reminded me a lot of the author's older maps 'Generator of Evil'. Design is wonderful but the gameplay is insane, I had to cheat. Eternal has done Hell Revealed proud here. 5/5

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Unknown date

OMG. 5/5

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Unknown date

Awesome, but no demo included :/ - 5

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Unknown date

Comparing this to HR is crazy. This might be the hardest map I've ever done. 10 times harder than HR

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Unknown date

Great visuals and great fights. What more could you want ? 5/5

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Unknown date

Truly one of the great single maps. Incredible sense of scale and atmosphere, and a massive, though fair challenge. Keep them coming Deadall! ~ pritch

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Unknown date

very nicely designed although some of the fights were a bit over my head (cramped halls with dozens of revenants and 3 archies resurrecting.) it took me over 2.5 hours, with saves, to get through...now to play without saves. overall, nice looks and nice gameplay in a huge map. kind of reminds me of a mix between europa2 and dv1. 5/5

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Unknown date

Pretty intense map but I don't think it's a good idea to shorten cells/rockets when they are needed the most and force players to use shotguns against hordes of revs/archies/mancubi ; that's what I liked about the classics HR/HR2/AV: they never fuck the player with ammo. Also minus points for just slapping a Heretic track in there. 4/5

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Unknown date

Best mass scale map EVER! Forget "Hell Revealed," forget "Deus Vult," and forget "Scythe." This may be a single-map WAD, but, omg, it's absolutely epic on ever aspect of mapping. The hordes of monsters are a real treat (if you like fighting massive amounts of monsters). I loved it (even though I had to cheat on UV due to the amazing difficult. I'm not a great Doomer, though ;P).

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Unknown date

Nice work! One of the better wads I've played in a long time. High intensity to say the least. Lots of monster infighting. Took forever to get thru on UV, and a few too many Archviles for my taste...but it was a blast. Plenty of ammo and health. This one is definitely going into the vault for a future rainy day! 5/5

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Unknown date

Really bloody good. The architecture is flawless, the gameplay is excellent, difficulty is challenging but never overkill. One of the best levels ever. This is why "Eternal" is so revered. 5/5. -TRRobin.

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Unknown date

The previous version ad a HOM, so this is a fix. I assume that is all that has changed. Still though. 5/5

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Unknown date

Very good, not everyone will appreciate fighting masses of monsters, but for those that do it's one of the best mass scale maps I've seen. I really think that splitting the level into at least two maps would be better though. As for difficulty, I think the author is surpsingly generous with the megaspheres. The difficulty is reasonable, unless your playing style is suicidal, which I expect it is for some of you ;)

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Unknown date

Excellent level. Very hard, but completion on ultra-violence is certainly within the realm of possibility. Recommended play. 4.5/5 stars

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