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About This File


At this point, I'm only making one fairly tough skill level, and single player games. Feel free to make any changes to the map that you wish, add more player starts, etc., but if you make changes and pass the revised map around, PLEASE include the above editor information in the ZIP file.

Using a map editor, DEEP is the only one worth considering, to change an existing map is about as easy as it gets, a real no-brainer. Be aware, though, that it does take considerable time to learn the tricks and techniques involved in making a level from scratch. I haven't been blessed with an artistic eye, so my levels will never be as good as some others, but using DEEP, I know they will be technically correct, no HOM or other problems of that type that I've seen. DEEP does all kinds of checking to ensure .WAD integrity, so why not give it a try - level creation is actually quite a bit of fun!

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Unknown date

too easy...I didn't use BFG.

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Unknown date

Personally I am glad Perseus is uploading stuff from the days of yesteryear.

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Unknown date

Lovely map!!! I would love to rate it 10 stars if it would be possible -PainFactory

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Unknown date

Perseus' uploads just get shittier the more he uploads.

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Unknown date

Perseus may be uploading "stuff from the days of yesteryear" but everything he has uploaded is such complete ass that I was glad I never knew about any of them and it only makes me want to commit crimes against humanity unto myself and others because he uploaded them.

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Unknown date

One star for the map, -1 star because the uploader (Perseus) modified the wad. Rating: 0

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