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Have you experienced anthing paranormal?

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3 hours ago, taufan99 said:

I'm insensitive towards supernatural things, which might be inherited from my mom. When I wasn't conceived yet, my family (with only two children until I was born) lived in a house in my old hometown, which, according to a "gifted" relative, was haunted. Fortunately, nothing bad happened at all according to my mom (and most likely everyone else).


When I was at the 2nd grade, there's this one kid who alleged she's a "gifted" one and would tell ghost stories with her friends, including me. There was this one instance in which she "secretly" (actually at the end of the class, when the teacher only recently finished the lesson) showed me her one such ability; a kinetic power of sort in which she rolled her own drinking water bottle with her own psychic power by putting her opened-up palms above it. I saw nothing suspicious on her hands or even fingers (e.g. like a magnet), and at the time, I found it actually pretty interesting. Some may say it's because the bottle was light and the fan on the class may have helped her, but despite the former being true, I remember the movement was just too deliberate and close for the fan to be the main factor of the movement.

Just to make sure, your friend isn't Jean Grey, right?


If not, that's still both interesting and.. creepy.

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1 hour ago, Doom64guy said:

Just to make sure, your friend isn't Jean Grey, right?


If not, that's still both interesting and.. creepy.

Dunno who she is.

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I've never experienced anything, nor heard any other people's experiences, that couldn't be explained by various cognitive biases and coincidences as opposed to some supernatural force.

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10 hours ago, taufan99 said:

I'm insensitive towards supernatural things, which might be inherited from my mom. When I wasn't conceived yet, my family (with only two children until I was born) lived in a house in my old hometown, which, according to a "gifted" relative, was haunted. Fortunately, nothing bad happened at all according to my mom (and most likely everyone else).


When I was at the 2nd grade, there's this one kid who alleged she's a "gifted" one and would tell ghost stories with her friends, including me. There was this one instance in which she "secretly" (actually at the end of the class, when the teacher only recently finished the lesson) showed me her one such ability; a kinetic power of sort in which she rolled her own drinking water bottle with her own psychic power by putting her opened-up palms above it. I saw nothing suspicious on her hands or even fingers (e.g. like a magnet), and at the time, I found it actually pretty interesting. Some may say it's because the bottle was light and the fan on the class may have helped her, but despite the former being true, I remember the movement was just too deliberate and close for the fan to be the main factor of the movement.

Imagine if she actually fall into love to you and she wanted to amuse you lol

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Posted (edited)

I lost a skateboard for 3 or more years, I searched everywhere from the garage, closet, backyard, rooms, EVERYWHERE.  I gave up and just thought someone stole it.  Well... after many years.. it came back in my room all dusty and covered in red splash marks in the middle.  I am now selling this particular skateboard on ebay.  No one in the house put it there.


I had a cigarette disappear from my pocket while in the garage, I didn't smoke it and looked everywhere.  It was just gone.  Misplaced lighters come back when I wasnt looking for them but knew for shure it was gone.  Lost TV remotes come back.


I played the OUIJA game once I will admit, but it was a online one on the internet and only for a very short moment.  Less then 10 seconds.

Edited by vanilla_d00m

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I've had experiences where I will see a random stranger that stands out to me. They may look completely normal but they'll often have an odd expression and be around an area that I've been unsure of going to. I'll try and get a closer look and they are gone. I'll look at the ground for a second, then suddenly I can't see them. It's like they hopped in car or walked down some hidden ally or hallway at an extreme speed.


This happened more often when I was a young kid, but it happened to me twice in one day last week.

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One time I had a dream that actually seemed to warn me about something that would go on to happen in the future, the very next day. I will happily call it explainable as a coincidence, but it was still a cool experience. I think life would be disappointing if there was no mystery to it, and I think life would also be disappointing if there was no reasonable expectation of rationality to it. I was happy to see this thread because asking people if they've ever seen a ghost is one of my favorite conversation starters. It's a quick way to crack open a conversation about interesting stuff like spirituality, rationality, fear, childhood, and so on; and stories about ghosts are super interesting to me even without a commitment to believing them *or* disproving them. The prompt can lead to other interesting places too. One time someone told me a story that started as a classic 'things kept disappearing with no immediately obvious rational explanation' type story and ended with a man secretly living in a garage attic.

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On 5/11/2024 at 5:37 AM, Rykzeon said:

Imagine if she actually fall into love to you and she wanted to amuse you lol

We're too young to think about that haha. And I'm not the type of guy to be usually interested in anything romantic, at least not when I'm undergoing (or about to undergo) education like even now.

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The most recent paranormal thing I guess was this crazy sleep paralysis type thing. I woke up from a dream. Can’t for the life of me remember what dream it was though. Checked my phone to see the time but instead of my normal phone I had my old crappy android. The screen flashbanged me. My ears were ringing. The whole room was blood red and shaking. My vision was all staticy. The red colors grew brighter and brighter and I heard what sounded like those voices in that one creepy paper Mario song. I couldn’t move my whole body except my head, and it darted towards a large red object that screamed loudly at me. Then the whole room went white, and everything was back to normal. Nothing weird like that has happened since.


Then there was this other time when I was younger. I saw a man walk into the laundry room. I was really paying much attention to the face. I thought it just was my dad. But my dad was outside the house. He walked in shortly after. I remember checking the laundry room to see what just walked in there, but nothing. Also remember once I was on a walk and I saw through the floor, the whole street was held up by pipes going down an endless void. 
im sure these memories are just little kid me being dumb

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On 5/11/2024 at 12:11 AM, taufan99 said:

Dunno who she is.

X-Men's Phoenix

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I’ve experienced sleep paralysis just the once, a few years ago when I was really stressed with life generally. 

I remember not being able to move and having a feeling of somebody evil being in the room with me. I then remember floating above my own body. The last and most terrifying part was the feeling of being suffocated by an unknown force. Was SO glad to regain control after that, and it hasn’t occurred since then.

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In 2001, I woke up around three in the morning And saw a figure in a white gown, walking down the hallway toward my open bedroom door. At first I thought it was my mom, but as she got closer, I noticed the neck was just a stump with no head... And yet this figure seemed to be staring at me and then just faded away. I remember getting up and walking down the hallway after to prove to myself that I was awake and not dreaming.


Somewhere in the late 2010s, my wife and I were both sober and in the kitchen. Between blinks, The entire kitchen floor was covered uniformly with live maggots, all in one instant. The house was not particularly dirty and even if it were, there's no way that the spread of the maggots would be so equal. I remember freaking out and quickly cleaning up. 

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