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About Rykzeon

  • Rank
    Weeb | "Rykz" for short

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  1. ssd enakan berapa gb buat system booting? kadang ngerasa lemot :v

    1. taufan99


      512 GB dah lumayan aman deh kayaknya

  2. old160gbhddhealth9daysleft.jpg.2f9656e4dda942f4f81d7f7036929c74.jpg
    tho tbh this hdd isnt actually 100% mine, this was given by aunt along with whole cpu

  3. You forget Napalm Launcher, and how tf Caleb can bring bunch of gasoline around without getting the gasoline exploded by accident. I also wonder how Caleb has lighter in his pocket in first place right after he found some dynamites right after resurrected in E1M1
  4. So, I bought 500GB ST500DM009 Seagate Barracuda few days ago and I'm still checking it before the "guaranteed return policy" from the said online shop expires. Everything seems okay, except one thing: the cache buffer size is not shown anywhere in HDD checker tool. I checked with CrystalDisk Info, HDTune, and HDD Sentinel, and none of them shows the amount of the buffer size. I asked ChatGPT while waiting the search result for the problem. The ChatGPT said it might have firmware problems, while the search result said "The maximum value that could ever be stored in word 21 is FFFFh. A modern disk drive with 32 MB of buffer would need one more byte to represent the buffer size: 10000h. The first two bytes of 10000h (word 21) is 0000h, or zero.". So which one is right? I don't have other HDD that has 32MB of cache buffer so I can't compare and draw conclusions about it. The disk specification from Seagate: (link here, page 9) HDD information checked with various HDD checking tool:
  5. Rykzeon

    Post your Doom textures!

    Re-post from door textures I never gonna use anyways in near future because the link I posted expired. IIRC Credits to Jimmy for the SPCDOOR3 textures expansion. Lemme know if I forget something. ··· Access is a blaze door that can be opened from 2-side. Keycard - Locked is a blaze door that needs key to be operated. 回 1-Way is a blaze door that only openable from 1-side (the back is FTRDOOR.png) ⬆️ 1-Way is a blaze door that only openable from 1-side (the back is FTRDOOR.png) 🔒 Locked is a blaze door that only openable with remote switch. New Version: Old Version:
  6. Do you still have the SPCDOOR textures you made a while back? The discord links you posted all rotted away.

    1. Rykzeon


      Sure, I'll grab my old HDD soon after my delivery package coming in.

    2. Rykzeon
  7. ah kontlo baru install win10 dh korup aja hrs install ulang ajg
    mana tiap WD hdd yg gw konekin malah error detectnya PATA/Unknown pdhl pas awal dikonekin detectnya Unallocated


    1. Rykzeon


      btw pas reinstall ke 2 ga bisa jalanin terraria, stardew valley, dll
      harus update win10 dlu pake internet sampe muncul "activate windows" baru bisa
      aah kntl

    2. Rykzeon


      ajg paket lama udh nungguin dri jam 3

    3. Rykzeon


      mana ga di wa lagi, pasti kurir nyasar aowkaowkoakw

  8. Rykzeon

    How to configure multiboot into empty HDD?

    Well thanks but I also wanted to hear opinion from who has the setup as well incase the articles & tutorial videos missed something.
  9. So, let's say I just bought HDD without any OS inside of it. I want the computer able to multiboot into atleast Windows 10, Linux, and also can install and boot new OS I wanted if needed, like if in future there will be Windows 69, I can install and boot into it. Which programs I need? Thanks. Oh by the way I haven't researched much about disk file system. How much it affects into different OSes? Also what's difference of MBR and GUID?
  10. Rykzeon

    How does doom's image lmps work?

    Every format in computer is represented in 0 and 1. Images and character glyphs such as ABCD are represented and interpreted by program in bulk of 0 and 1. Hexadecimal is a human-friendly way to show binary. For example, in Code page 437 character format, C is represented with 01000001 (#41). In 24-bit color depth image format without alpha channel, magenta is represented with 111111110000000011111111 (#FF00FF). This is why if you save an Unicode-exclusive character in ASCII format, the character can't be saved properly. For example, if you save ÿ into ANSI, the character will be changed into something like "?" or even " ", because there is no representation of ÿ in binary. Oh also I recommend to read about magic number.
  11. 966617185_strifeveteran.jpg.9a8b03c367ed9123c56a1bebf131f1bc.jpg
    Found my old strife save in veteran difficulty 💀

    1. Doom64guy


      How old is it?

  12. Agreed. Doom 2 is more like add-on for Doom 1 with intention to satisfy demand of more FPS action game while waiting Quake finished.
  13. Rykzeon

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    whats the supported complevel?
  14. Rykzeon

    doom but the water is actually piss

    replacement for nukage & lava nukage & lava = piss.wad.zip UAC Piss Leak Mt. Piss
  15. Rykzeon

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    Most of the time, I think nothing noteworthy. May be biased since I never try to create statistic how many ppl played my maps and how many ppl liked my maps. Plus I only created like 4 maps and all of them are contribution for community project, since I'm tired to search/make all assets needed for a megawad I'm developing. Joining a community project is better since I don't need to worry about assets like textures, flat, playpal, sprite, etc. Just think a theme related to the given asset and you set (unless bad lead or mapper block).