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Johnny Cruelty

New map! criticism appricated!

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I played through it and I have a couple of comments.

1: The deco is pretty good, there are a couple of repeating textures but again, overall it is good.

2: I literally only had the chaingun for the entire level, not even the shotgun.

3: The offspring shall smite you with the copyright hammer lol.

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1 minute ago, Raith138 said:

I played through it and I have a couple of comments.

1: The deco is pretty good, there are a couple of repeating textures but again, overall it is good.

2: I literally only had the chaingun for the entire level, not even the shotgun.

3: The offspring shall smite you with the copyright hammer lol.

ironic since the song I used had the melody of a beatles song so they are the ones who should probably get sued lol

oh yeah this is a almost no shotgun level, shotgun is in a secret room in crates

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Very nicely designed map, great layout (I could never make such layout within two weeks :D) and the gameplay is good too although it would be little better if a shotgun could be received too from the beginning. However, the main point I want to share is that the texture is quite messy here. Badly texture mix-up in almost everywhere in the map. So here you can spend some more time matching and properly aligning them for better looking :)

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Fun little city map with lots of exploration.

But the lack of non-secret weapons really makes it a lot harder than it needs to be.

And like Yousuf said, your architecture is great, but the texturing is really sloppy. The map could really benefit from using some border textures (like Support 2/3 or Doorstop) to separate different textures from each other, and frame doors. 

(video will be up later)

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Thanks for the map! Some of my comments: 

1) Got tired of the midi really fast. It's not something that's suited to being looped. 

2) I like the big, non-linear spaces, but they don't feel very cohesive. Like are they meant to be buildings? Tech-base? There wasn't an identity or something that hinted at a unifying theme. Didn't help there were some interesting design choices like the very steep staircase, the laaarge nukage pools, the cliffs with shotgunners posted, the dual staircases that have doors that aren't necessary. The random scattering of health and amor bonuses also make the whole map feel very bashed together and not really cohesive.

3) Ammo and weapon scarcity. I got rockets, cells, but no weapons to go with them. Bullets are expended too quickly with the chaingun so I had to punch revenants in the end. 

4) Feel like there is great potential for this map to the kind that rewards exploration (like how going around the back of the Mancubus area shows you can kill them easily with barrels). More of such moments would be nice. 


Overall, a breezy big map that feels arbitrarily put together (if that was the intention). Ammo and weapon scarcity makes it harder than it needs to be but also takes away from some of the fun. 


Will be waiting to play the next version! 


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I've been asked to play this but reading through the feedback, and based on your history I will just say:


call me when you stop hiding pivotal weapons in secrets - the reviews above show why this is not a good idea and gives me pause to play it


secrets should only enhance the experience, not be required


for example, every time I make a map I ensure I can beat it secret-less - because truly, you have to expect the player may not even find one of them - and a goal should be to have the player experience a fun time, with easy access to weapon variety


good luck with your mapping bud

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2 hours ago, Clippy said:

I've been asked to play this but reading through the feedback, and based on your history I will just say:


call me when you stop hiding pivotal weapons in secrets - the reviews above show why this is not a good idea and gives me pause to play it


secrets should only enhance the experience, not be required


for example, every time I make a map I ensure I can beat it secret-less - because truly, you have to expect the player may not even find one of them - and a goal should be to have the player experience a fun time, with easy access to weapon variety


good luck with your mapping bud

thanks for criticism guys

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Here's the video


Fun map with a lot of exploration, but secrets seem mandatory to get weapons, ammo, and health. A non-secret shotgun would really help.


Also, you gotta improve your texturing. 




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i died near  exit door....

ammo was frustratingly tight at start map is good can't suggest anything as its a moody type of map good for what it feel like

demo using prboom cl9 iddt code 


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Quite fun level. Ammo was pretty tight as many have said, especially until I managed to find the shotgun. The blue key secret is crucial.



Spent quite a bit of time finding the last enemy (the arachno) as I never pick up the partial invisibility :-D 


Also did I miss the rocket launcher? I couldn't find it but there were rockets scattered around the map. 


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A nice map, enjoyable to explore, i really like the secret 


My only complain would be about the texture work with a lot of unaligned texture but is not a big deal 


Nice work !

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