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About Clippy

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    Stationery Doomer

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  1. wow 90 thats crazy - I went ahead and did another one - long one just cause of convoluted 90s progression RRW_D201.WAD by Richard R. Ward even his wife Kathy got involved awww https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/p-r/rrw_d201 Thanks for visiting @sandwedge @Dark Pulse @thelamp @BeetBeardAlt & especially @Snaxalotl who is always great at helping me navigate crazy maps like these I guess this map took 150 hours to make or refurbish, the only truly broken thing I seen was a one way door blocking you from progressing the map if you end up on the wrong side, so I had to idclippy once had a little concern at the start cause I was meeting only hitscanners and no health but it got waaaay better and super easy after that Overall this map did feel ahead of its time, start off in a jail like place with square toilets or something - a hard slab of metal to sleep on - that tunnels out to some cool caves with very cool lighting and touches that burn ya if you get too close, the caves are hidden from the automap tho which is annoying like what is it with the 90s maps that like to waste your time spending all day guessing about progression, finding random switches lol - who got time for that. One switch was in a dark area that snax helped me find lol thanks again at least there are a lot of stairs and height variation, a cool central structure over water that houses a secret - a super duper one giving rl and ssg which you otherwise WOULDNT HAVE - 10 secrets in all, a lot of shoot the walls, but some actual fun interesting areas to expire (missed 1 secret) the real pain is guessing at the progression and looking for non sign posted switches all day, maybe that was fun back in the day but nobody has time for that now best played with a team of buddies to solve stuff and laugh along the way good times the ending was kind of neat too, acid area - hug a ledge - climb some wacky random stairs in the middle of the room that leads to a raising bridge while stuff happens - almost got me cause I kept fumbling the stairs haha never know what you're gunna get but this is one of the more competent and worthwhile 90s maps I would say thats all I got bye
  2. Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody here is a rundown of kind of a not advertised bonus map that a lot of people might have missed Pretty wacky stuff and 34 and 35 are just alternate takes of existing map so there it is I'll try to come back and talk about Stairway to Heaven sometime thanks for the support everyone
  3. Nice I always remember tetanus that was one of the good ones very fun Kudos!
  4. got any dr pepper
  5. Hey there, didn't realize you were such a long time watcher - thats awesome, yeah I got some buddies who also used to make yt vids, im like the only one still doing it ... for now lol I used to focus on playing new mapper maps, to shed some light and encourage and help out ,but as time went on these ppl kept mapping, sending more requests - honestly it all got quite out of hand and I lost control of everything - I finally had to get my hand back on the wheel and take focus on things I really wanted to play, this was TRULY one of them - I miss dipping into brand new ppl's stuff - tho I think I may be taking a lil break from all this soon, I have some mapping projects of my own I want to focus on and big vacation plans coming anywho - this was a great time - have a good one - take care !
  6. @crab hermet why is nobody on the forums lol I loved your map - SO much - when @DavidN played my 110, I skipped past this so not to get spoilers and loved the concept SO much well done thats all I have time to play for now
  7. Hey there, I got time tonight, maybe I wasn't at my sharpest but I took the window of opportunity lots of guests tonight @Dark Pulse @Large Cat @sandwedge @MAN_WITH_GUN - thanks for coming along, we had a blast lots of laughs - fun map and hey THANKS so much for not doing the tired fight a hole in the wall ending Overall you hit it out of the park going full on megawad in first outing Got plans for the future? Would be curious what you do next but this was a fun time, im sure after all this you def have a handle on mapping now - was fun seeing the progressively more potent maps along the way good stuff - kudos! Thanks so much for sharing this with us and I hope more ppl check it out! cheers
  8. Clippy

    Hi, I'm new here

    Hi new here, I'm Clippy
  9. Happy Fried Chicken Friday everybody Here is my map 32 revealed and yes this is a hard map and trying to do commentary and demonstrate at the same time is really hard to do I might not be able to keep going saveless for these demos I'll let the better players figure that one out but large cat did prove it can be done haha I also had a wacky miracle moment in this video right around where the thumbnail is Also @plums I finished the demo. well played on map 30 which I thought was a pretty challenging map .there was an intercept overflow error that popped up during the Archie and cyber fake out but I tried so hard to avoid that way she goes. any who well done and thank you so much for playing all these buddy