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Yousuf Anik

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About Yousuf Anik

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  1. Yousuf Anik

    The Doom movie wasn't bad

    Compared to Doom:Annihilation which is a complete trash, this movie was great.
  2. Woah, I'm so relieved to see myself again in the forum after almost five days of no internet access in my country. The internet just restored an hour ago and still no access in the social/communication apps but luckily I can enter here so visited the forum at once because I was missing this place very much and I was excited too. I'm glad to be here again!

  3. Keyboard only? Not sure but that sounds so crazy. I had hard time beating this even with saves (I'm K+M user btw) but it was fun tbh. I believe even keyboard professionals will have hard time completing this one.
  4. No way, you deleted one of my favorite WAD :'( But yes, it is surely tough for those who are new with custom Doom maps.
  5. Yousuf Anik

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Liminal Doom map 02 HMP Max in 5:30 ld02hmp-530.zip
  6. Yousuf Anik

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Liminal Doom map 01 HMP Max in 5:30 ld01hmp-530.zip
  7. Yousuf Anik

    map im making

    Looks like a good design. Might try once you complete it.
  8. Just realized that Doomworld's main threads listing is changed a little :D

  9. Yousuf Anik

    Chillax Demos [-complevel 9]

    Well, the DSDA page has this version 9.7.3 and if I'm not wrong as far as I know this should be fine for play and demo recording.
  10. Yousuf Anik

    What is the best Brutal Doom version?

    The new Brutal Doom v22 test version is very well made. It's on development though but I hope the final version will be awesome.
  11. Hey @A.o.D. it's really great to see this in release at last, even if it's small our efforts didn't go in vain at all. I will try to make some playthroughs if possible in my laptop.
  12. Yousuf Anik

    Very Hard WAD

    I really thought it was this Very Hard wad. Anyway, the download link has nothing inside.
  13. I only see this when I play TNT or Plutonia in DosBox. Otherwise, they should appear okay in other ports. There might be something wrong with your WAD file. Try downloading them from a good site. You should be able to find them somewhere in Google which has old games.