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all things must be considered...cars in doom

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Well...It never occured to me that it was right there in my face...

Mabye....Alright I'll slow down.

I was wasting some time playing the old capture the flag game "Hover", you know the one game that came with the Windows 95 install disk, and something came to me. Why not open the scripts in the Hover game and see how the engine works and mabye modify the doom engine to work a little like it. This may take some hard work, but for those of you who are working on a raceing version doom might use this tip...or not.

Just see how the Hover engine runs the hovercraft you float around in and expieriment with the doom engine. It's just a thought.

But what utilites would open hover files?

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ravage said:

None because Micro$oft is stupid.

Indeed. Building a multi-billion dollar company from scratch in a couple decades is an unmistakable sign of pure stupidity.

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Hover is a compiled program, so the only way you can see the code is if Microsoft releases the source or you know machine language.

But why bother with that when you could probably find the theory used for the game's code on the internet for free?

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Why see how the code works? Most likely, it's nothing like the Doom code, and besides, adding vehicles and moving polyobjects isn't that hard with the source, (zdoom especially).

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zdoom already has polyobjects, and the term 'moving polyobject' is a bit redundant since the entire purpose of polyobjs is so that they move (otherwise they would just be regular columns of 1s linedefs).

vehicles would be another story though. with the way doom renders and how the levels are structured it would require a lot of rewriting of the rendering engine (if not a complete rewrite) just to get them to work properly. You can however, fake moving stuff with clever use of scrolling flats and textures (see njtrain, probably the best example of this) though obviously that's not drivable.

yeah, so in other words don't hold your breath for vehicles in doom.

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What about sprite based vehicles as opposed to the sector based everyone's mentioned? Zdoom supposed, what 16 frames for rotations now so a car would look smooth from the outside view? Could you impliment driveable code so that it behaves like that old game quarantine as well?

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That would work (by using an actor mover), except for the fact that you'd have nowhere to put the switches, nowhere to ride (you'd have to be on top of it) and in any case you can't ride on things being moved by an actor mover. (which is really annoying - I've tried to get Randy to change that but he hasn't done so far)

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SCUBA STEVE said = What about sprite based vehicles as opposed to the sector based everyone's mentioned? Zdoom supposed, what 16 frames for rotations now so a car would look smooth from the outside view? Could you impliment driveable code so that it behaves like that old game quarantine as well?

Exactly. That is what I've been thinking of this entire time. But what I might add is a bit of modification on your idea, how about a vehicle is a stand alone object by itself. It does not move as an object until it is "activated", it just sits and can be seen at different angles. Lets say a player can go up to the object (i.e. vehicle) and activate it some how, such as a key command. The regular player images are no longer used, instead a new object is loaded being that of a player inside the vehicle. The vehicle with the player takes on the characteristics of a car, hover device, skateboard, whatever. You catch what I'm saying?

The only drawback is the programming involved in an engine that supports it; but when hasn't that stopped doomers?

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