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Scuba Steve

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About Scuba Steve

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  1. Scuba Steve

    Vanilla Doom smooth weapons

    Possibly, but one thing that has kept the DEHExtra version from moving forward is that it desynchs Comp9 demos (Boom I think?). It doesn't do this for any other complevels and I can't track down why this is happening.
  2. I'd wager they're quite well known nowadays, but only under the name "Old Gods of Asgard."
  3. You should include a MAPINFO file that disables jumping & crouching.
  4. Absolutely bonkers. If you plan on making any changes, may I suggest one...? That aside, I'm going to have to dive back into this because I *know* I've missed plenty.
  5. Good news: I had the PSD file Bad news: Was cropped to the standard doom ratio.
  6. I wonder if I still have the original Monopoly image I used to make that? Gonna be a hail Mary if I kept it this long...
  7. Is the BFG9000 in the basement of the Alamo?
  8. Before limit removing source ports and node builders, a ton of content was cut from most projects. Doom City's text file describes crosswalks and stop lights but they were removed because it caused visplane overflows. When I was making in the late 90s, I had to scale down a bunch of detail in my map because DMapEdit had a hard limit of something like 700 sectors; I emailed the creator to ask that it be raised and he replied, "no, that's more than enough for any map."
  9. I'm placing a moratorium on new megawads. All releases must be five maps or less.
  10. Scuba Steve

    Take My Sole Into Carnal Flames

    Did the download for this become private?
  11. Scuba Steve

    Cacowards 2024 Mentionation Thread

    We wrote a sidebar article about Doom 3 Phobos episode 2. I imagine the third episode will get the same treatment.
  12. Scuba Steve

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I don't know what's wrong, but I can't extract the pak files from the zip... it fails every time.
  13. Scuba Steve

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I think Phobos only works with the original release of Doom 3 and not the BFG edition... that might hinder the number of supported systems.