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First few levels

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Thanks to all the guys who put up with the noob, I present the crappiest levels you've ever seen! This is just the first 6 levels to my wad, and they suck compared to MAP17 (my latest and greatest). Of course, my newer levels are still nothing to be excited about. Anyway, the rest of the wad is on the way, so just hold on a little longer for the better levels. The only reason I plan to include these levels is because they are part of the same storyline as the rest of a 20 level wad.

You can find the sorriest excuse for a DOOM level at http://www.speedyshare.com/794532602.html

Also, some sneak peeks from the next few levels!

Shot from MAP07 http://www.sjlupload.com/image.php?image=14989

MAP08 http://www.sjlupload.com/image.php?image=14990

MAP09 http://www.sjlupload.com/image.php?image=14991

more MAP09 http://www.sjlupload.com/image.php?image=14992


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Usually I'd say don't beat up yourself so much so I give up on your project before I even look at the shots...

However, they do look rather terrible and bland. I'd probably suggest more texture diversity, more height variation, and maybe looking into some lighting/lighting variation.

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Yeah, this pretty much epitomizes 'suck'. Unnecessarily huge file size- probably because of the music, which was terrible and added incorrectly only appearing on the 5th level or something over the top of the normal doom2 music.. sounded like a radio broadcast or something. Having a texture say 'use shotgun hint hint' as if killing monsters as normal is any sort of puzzle, way too easy and pointless, areas that don't appear on automap, an area that can end up inescapable without idclip due to bad design/etc.

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gggmork said:

Having a texture say 'use shotgun hint hint' as if killing monsters as normal is any sort of puzzle

Crap sorry. I had those textures for my friend who doesn't play DOOM a lot and is always bugging me, "What should I use to kill this one? What should I use to kill this one?" Sorry for not removing them

A little clarification: These levels weren't meant to be good, if fact I never would have had anyone else play them except for I wanted to know what other people look for in levels. I PROMISE my other levels are nothing like those, except for they may be too easy, which I'll gladly fix.

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Every person looks for something different in a level. No one looks for sky textures pasted flatly on walls and large, mostly barren two-or-three sector maps. Add more enemies, and scatter them according to difficulty. Use more textures, add detail, make the rooms look like the rooms around you in real life. Smaller, with hallways, windows, light fixtures, shadows. Never change floor texture from solid ground to water without changing the floor height. These are some basic tips, I guess. Why not post the other levels you mentioned, if those are more developed?

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I will agree with everyone else that the levels do look bland, but I understand you didn't intend for these levels to be great.

You should show use some of your better levels.

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im sure you already know this, but great maps to look at in terms of gameplay and detail are in megawads known as Requiem, Alien Vendetta, and Kama Sutra.

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