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About doomdaniel95

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  1. doomdaniel95

    Doom Key Scrambler Mod

    Awesome, glad to see this published for the community to enjoy! :D One thing I will note for those who try this out, the keys will spawn in the order you would normally pick them up in the map. If a key is technically not needed to exit a map (e.g. TNT MAP32's red key since simply stepping on the platform it's normally on opens the exit area), then it can spawn anywhere in the map. Also, it is possible for keys to spawn in areas you might not normally need to explore in order to exit, behind keyed doors, if it is still possible to complete the map that way (e.g. it is possible for the yellow key on TNT MAP02 to spawn behind the blue door, since the blue and yellow keys are normally accessible in the same area). This can make it more interesting to hunt for the keys in some seeds and will test your knowledge of the IWAD maps! The best thing about this mod is that replayability is very high--the keys can spawn in completely different places every time given how open/accessible some parts of many of these maps are.
  2. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    LV27 co-op nomo 100 with odysseyofnoises in 0:51.71. lv27osc051.zip
  3. doomdaniel95

    1monster demos [-complevel 9]

    MAP22 nomo 100 in 54.89. Includes a bonus demo using the route I first came up with, which is slower (whoops!). 1m22os054.zip
  4. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    I appreicate it. I whipped up another tablefiller real quick, got 1:02.89 this time. Hopefully it doesn't desync and that was just a one-off since I'm able to play back demos other people have recorded on that map, but if it does, I'll just miss out on having a demo for LV28. ETA: I believe my single-player nomo 100 for LV13 missed the upload as well (2:03.97), unless that one is also on a later schedule. Thanks again, I know I dropped a ton of stuff at once there. lv28os102.zip
  5. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    Oh whoops, I didn't see this until now. Apologies. Also, I noticed when LV27 got uploaded, it was put under regular nomo rather than nomo 100, though the other categories with 100% secrets do appear to allow 7/8 because of that one teleporter pad marked as a secret. Thank you! :) lv13os203.zip lv17os132.zip lv18os109.zip lv20os115.zip lv23os042.zip lv24os147.zip lv26os047.zip lv28os103.zip
  6. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    More co-op with odysseyofnoises. LV13 nomo 100 in 1:09.86. lv13osc109.zip
  7. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    Beating a couple of other nomo 100 tablefillers: LV25 in 45.97 LV27 in 1:07.89 (standard 7/8 secrets, bonus 1:09.29 demo included with 100% secrets) lv25os045.zip lv27os107.zip
  8. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    So much intelligent discussion, and I'm here to interrupt with some crappy nomo 100 tablefillers, heh. I just went through over the last couple of days and recorded on all possible maps that didn't already have a demo on DSDA: LV13 in 2:03.97 LV17 in 1:32.17 LV18 in 1:09.86 LV20 in 1:15.63 LV23 in 0:42.66 LV24 in 1:47.06 LV26 in 0:47.77 LV28 in 1:03.34 lvos_tablefillers_dd95.zip
  9. doomdaniel95

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP11 nomo 100 in 58.74. lv11os058.zip
  10. doomdaniel95

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia MAP32 nomo (specifically not nomo 100) in 52.86. Probably one of the dumber ideas I've had for a demo, short of anything I recorded in 2011 ofc. :) pl32o052.zip
  11. doomdaniel95

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia MAP28 co-op nomo 100 with odysseyofnoises in 1:10.20. pl28osc110.zip
  12. doomdaniel95

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia MAP28 co-op nomo with odysseyofnoises in 1:00.57. (EDIT: 29 to 28, this is Sewers.) pl28oc100.zip
  13. doomdaniel95

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia MAP29 co-op nomo with odysseyofnoises in 41.71. pl29oc041.zip
  14. doomdaniel95

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia MAP22 co-op nomo 100 with odysseyofnoises in 40.74. pl22osc040.zip
  15. doomdaniel95

    Worst official level?

    My personal least favorites from each of the IWADs: Ultimate Doom: E2M5 (Command Center) Doom 2: MAP09 (The Pit) Plutonia: MAP03 (Aztec) TNT: MAP21 (Administration Center), with MAP08 (Metal) as a close second