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About Kinsie

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  1. Probably the same ramifications as when they stepped in back in... ooh, at least 2019. Probably earlier, TBH. Point is, they historically haven't shown an enormous interest in smiting people.
  2. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    It's how every non-Apple computer from 1984 through 2006-ish worked.
  3. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Bit fucking late for that.
  4. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Quake 2 also had some pretty massive tech changes to the game code - merging all the expansions together, massively increasing the tick rate, converting to 64-bit, etc. - that had the minor side-effect of rendering every single previous mod ever made incompatible. The community was naturally outraged about this, bitterly arguing against this grave injustice and hounding the developers out with pitchforks. Also, the entire previous sentence was a flagrant lie - people just kinda shrugged and kept making mods, bouncing between the old and new versions as mood dictated.
  5. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    At this point the thread has long since reached the point of intentional misunderstandings, flagrant lies and overt whataboutism try and keep arguments going for the sole purpose of having arguments. It's long past time to put the thread to bed, make adjustments to the spec based on the rare few fragments of usable feedback, and come back in a month or two to hopefully cooler heads. And while there's a lot more I could say, I'll leave it at this: The community's behavior over the last week, in both public and private spaces, has been utterly disgusting.
  6. Kinsie

    [GZDoom] MetaDoom - v7.1 "Ghost"

    I'd like to do something relating to supporting Legacy of Rust properly, but given that a lot of the technical details are still in flux (and given my current general disgust with the community over the last couple of days, but that's a whole other thread) I'm going to wait and see how things shake out before doing anything. As with Eternal, Dark Ages stuff won't be looked into until it's out and I've had the chance to play (and likely beat) it myself.
  7. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    I think it's more that nobody knew Id was doing anything, so they couldn't ask. They just kinda assumed the Unity port was it. Dude, yelling at Graf has practically been this forum's national sport for at least a decade, for better or worse. I don't think they've "gotten away with" anything so much as GZDoom's mutated in such weird ways that it's now effectively a separate creature from every other port. Hence all these attempts at modern standards that try to make vanilla/Boom mapping "ZDoomier" without fully absorbing the ooze.
  8. Kinsie

    Building decorates with AI

    The last I heard someone trying this, they got a bizarre mishmash of three different programming languages that wouldn't work in any of them. The automatons don't understand us, and that's probably for the best.
  9. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Based on posts in the crumbled, ashen remains of ZDF, Graf is AWOL (He's usually on holiday this time of year) and dpJudas isn't opposed to it but isn't especially interested in doing the implementation work himself. Most of the features already have ZDoom/GZDoom equivalents (I think the one big outlier is PSX Fire, but that can probably be done in a shader or a canvas texture) so it's not the hugest amount of work, it's just a matter of someone doing it.
  10. Kinsie

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Not yet. I believe this is part of the ID24 stuff (There's assets etc. for a custom HUD with new elements for additional weapon slots and ammo type) but it's not quite in place yet.
  11. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    I don't think it's unfair to suggest that he's happy to get personal with his accusations when it suits him.
  12. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Hold the phone, I just noticed this on a second read: Are you saying this about Xaser? "Has been in the community for longer than half of it has been alive" Xaser? "Prominent contributor across multiple source ports" Xaser? "20 years of history behind his word" Xaser? That guy?
  13. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Wait, people take the broken and compromised BFG Edition IWADs even vaguely seriously?
  14. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    You have to buy Doom 2 to play Doom 2 mods.
  15. Kinsie

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    My understanding is that LoR is mostly MBF21 because that's the version that got a full pass from the QA testers before the deadline to hit QuakeCon. At some point once the spec gets finalized it'll be patched into a full-fledged, full-blooded ID24 version where the Plasma Rifle and the Incinerator can exist simultaneously.