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Everything posted by yakfak

  1. yakfak

    Favorite shooter after 2000?

    prey is good (the shooting is boring, i just like it as a sim, i just needed to name a game lol) maps are a big draw for me so i think a fair few modern shooters are offputting, since; big budget ones ferry you round the map to see the next set piece revivalist stuff tends to look very quake-ish but kick out a lot of the dungeon feel in favor of arenas and arenas have been done to death
  2. thinking about
    esports world cup
    and stuff like evo
    and thinking about how when money gets injected into a scene
    everyone in that scene now has to act like they have money

    and it kinda gets masqueraded a bit

    you need sponsors just to reaccess something you were part of before

    and particularly with evo

    even though it was BOUGHT by sony it was running nearly as many ads as last year

    and those ads are no longer particularly necessary to sustain the event


    magic the gathering too suffers from proximity to money imo

    potentially even worse

    cos everyone's so upbeat about the transformation towards content

    that the whole "get your money" mantra just gets bounced off everyone

    and the product itself gets worse because of its multiverse ambition

    and most everyone who's being successful playing with that product doesn't give a fuck about what it portrays

    that'd be cringe and unchill and part of being pro is apparently not having opinions about shit yr superiors do


    all these top players heading to the uae

    pairs getting money with throwing other communities under the bus doesn't it


    i really hate it i really need to readjust what i watch and what i support from now on

    1. yakfak


      mmm i don't even think this is what i mean

      i think im more upset that i'm so easily distracted by this stuff and why can't i concentrate on things that haven't been so clearly co-opted

  3. steph sterling latest video about AI is great

    between them and the work of Some More News i'm enjoying building up resistance to certain types of scams and AI fully qualifies

  4. image.png.6f37a51444f3a95fa0bd1d88e2007d3b.png

    i will never successfully develop an entire game but i have generated a lot of daft comments
    this one is in the middle of a data file for defining treasure objects

    the reason i wanna make zines about the process is um
    so that a product can be finished using the ideas
    even if it's not the product i have in mind lol

    1. Fonze


      Sometimes it's good to make a post about stuff one is working on. It helps to organize thoughts and better evaluate ideas from a stepped back perspective at a time when you may be lost in the weeds of details with your creation and the creative process. Also, sometimes it can be motivating to do so, even if there's no direct feedback from others.


      I like seeing these lil blurbs and the worldbuilding of it 😃

    2. Drywtler


      Fake games are a thing that's been popping off for a couple years, there are whole manual-like books that tell you about the story and sometimes the mechanics of said game. Supereyepatchwolf made a video about these recently

  5. yakfak

    What Was Your Last Purchase?

    absolutely nothing \o/ im so beyond sick of items, goods, objects, you name it
  6. loving that new bloc party song it's so uhhh fucking terrible

  7. agh i never rated the post-phil genesis stuff anywhere near as highly x3 i like mmmm i like prog from the forming of henry cow to their split and then expect everyone to go new wave or further into avant territory x3 and always thought that even the prog musicians who stuck with it past '77 felt like they'd used up their best song ideas... i kinda wish i didn't feel this way because then i could enjoy neo prog and all the stuff from that point on, and gunk like dream theater and all the old bands reconvening to release new first draft stuff with no ideas left in it i feel just as burnt out as they must have honestly
  8. that is cool :3 the hidden fripp and eno collaboration: Windows always kinda admire those two and also peter gabriel for successfully escaping prog when post-punk got going instead of doing uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whatever all the other prog musicians did
  9. rags to riches and fallout? giggle i've been watching tim cain vids like mad recently king crimson were mentioned on the last page, i kinda think it's wild how the same band made "i talk to the wind" and "level five" i like blixa being in the bad seeds so the same guy made "the weeping song" and, like, "yu-gung"
  10. op's take on this film is way closer to my own! dilbert-like guy who thinks the whole of society should serve him melts down in the face of micro-aggression it doesn't describe the breakdown of civilisation but someone reacting to a lapse in privilege imo
  11. yakfak

    The Dead Internet Theory

    its an instructive theory even if it's not true _yet_ it tells you in advance to find smaller communities seo gods and data miners and ai people don't care what they fuck up edit: and the people in charge of the internet's biggest sites either love that shit or don't know how to stop it
  12. i need to stop watching sports i know how to harmonize with the wimbledon theme

  13. ^ oh no, i meant someone had accused ME of gatekeeping by way of posting my preferences! not dsda/eternity
  14. hntr in the minimum required port, usually chocolate or dsda-doom. i prefer low res settings and think high draw distance, xtra brightness and visibilty all change the nature of the game in ways i'm not looking for if i connect with the level (not whether it's exciting or objectively good, or whatever, just if i connect with it. like i see how amazing eviternity is and personally value probably a thousand wads over it anyway) i'll replay on higher difficulty i like weird dark spaces, exhausting levels and new things done with old tools. bonus points for midis that fall within in my musical taste cos a lot kinda don't but i also like new advances in mbf and eternity (despite having been accused of gatekeeping new mappers???)
  15. everyone should play solo-net because they are RIGHT NOW missing out on improperly placed multiplayer only cyberdemons that's content! engage with the content! your fomo demands such actions
  16. yakfak

    What are you listening to?

    that new yannis & the yaw track is good killer afrobeat pop tune
  17. i was such a late bloomer in terms of learning shit about anything important

    but even in my default opinion uncalibrated state, as fed by fantasy and comedy novels whose implications i didn't really understand, i never really found myself suspectible to extreme rightist opinion

    it took a while to see past uh space travel being humanity's next goal

    and things like malthusianism which seem obvious until you learn more take time to shake off?

    cos you don't immediately realize the political implications of those beliefs


    but i never went gamergate, soon saw the cruelty of the subsequent doxings, online farming and recruitment into fash garbage and suspicious trad religion. i've never kept notepad docs on anyone (and spent a long while changing the subject whenever past online uh friends would hint at the docs they were keeping on me) earlier than that i could tell that the turn of the century moral panics were whipped up by terrible people and the evidence was all blocks hammered into the wrong shaped hole

    and i learned that i have no special claim on being correct and that if i haven't seriously examined my opinions then i might (and did, and still do) spout random garbage... but that nonsense has no weight of feeling behind it and i know to fix my shit when i'm shown how wrong i am


    so mmm i have a very limited level to which i'll forgive former tormentors who are now good

    you fucking leapt at the chance to be inquisitors

    1. SleepyVelvet


      I hope I'm not one of those inquisitionists.  I read too much but don't mean to be that way (, but I don't even read enough...)


      I wouldn't sweat it too much, tho. 


      [I also just wrote a whole essay about random stuff, including personal stuff to Magic the Gathering for some reason (cuz I like the new set coming soon).  I'll save that rant on a notepad, just not the notepad you're thinking of.  I don't do that personally.  I wonder what notes people have on me...]


      But yeh, here's a random hug from an internet weirdo.

      hugs. (I am in a random hugging mood)


      Also, don't drink as much as me...

    2. plums


      I empathize a lot with this position. "Don't hate people" is not something that takes a lot of cultural exposure, though I guess it does make it easier to come from a family background where people are generally nice. But it seems like it should be pretty obvious when people are being cruel and that that is a choice that they made.


      At the same time the pragmatist in me thinks that it's better to forgive people who have legitimately changed, even partly, just because it (hopefully) would encourage more people to do the same. I don't even know if that works! It's probably just idealism, at least somewhat.


      In any case actions count for a lot here. "I used to do mean things and now I don't" is a lot less persuasive than "I used to do mean things and now I've apologized for them, and put in effort sticking up for people," whatever form that takes. Hell even someone who just argues online with bigots gets some credit.

  18. series of wall textures that say
    "why spend hundreds of dollars on language tuition"
    "when you can take ten minute lessons"
    "designed by over two hundred linguistics experts?"

    and then yr dropped into a room with 201 barons in it and the walls all say "these are the experts"

  19. could we also have single level wads vs level packs/megawads? maybe that's one step too far but i'd support it
  20. a couple of 0/10 posters in the 0/10 vg thread imo

  21. yakfak

    What makes 0/10 game? Examples?

    i'm feeling a light zero for certain games with heavy attempts at being heartwarming slices-of-life but are full of that good ol' japanese "work yourself to death!" message zero out of ten for america's army and any survival fps rpg open world which makes doomsday preppers cool ooooh the "zombies" are comiiiiing honestly, zero out of ten for games with dailies, including ancient shit like neopets which i adore the fact that a lot of good artistry and planning has gone into these negative experiences doesn't have to earn bonus points imo
  22. gamer gamer game game gaming


  23. found a blue skull key in a doom level, putting it in my player-shop for 25,000np

    1. Alper002


      Must've been what happened to TNT MAP31's Yellow key

  24. yakfak

    The "stupid mod idea" thread

    ammo, health and misc props are replaced with random items of clothing monsters fight as normal but you can dress them to make them not attack exit lines don't work until 75% of all enemies have been dressed you can also dress the hanging/impaled dead guys i guess (sicko)