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About Colusio

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  1. W domach z betonu MAP11 When you leave the house and lower that platform and don't open the door, you're stuck. I'm intrigued by Polish, vowels are samogloski and spollgloski are words w that language. The house of concrete => Dom z Betonu The houses of concrete => Domy z Betony In the house of concrete => W domu z Betonu ( In latin that would be domu "betonis" ) In the houses of concrete => W domach z betonu So a request for Polish names please.
  2. Colusio

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    I'm using Linux on Steam and in the past it took some tinkering to run a game. Quite often that translated in 15 hours playtime while in reality it was about 26 times starting the game and 45 minutes of running the executable without a chance to even start the game for the first time. Very short playtimes are used for inflating the numbers. Or maybe rounding off to a high minimal time. It was not a loader that kept on running in the background in my case. 17 days in a year is high but Titanfall 2 is from 2014.
  3. Colusio

    Sector 666

    Welcome to the future it looks stony medieval but doors lowering in the floor are typical in the beginning of the fourth millennium. The first level not hindered by later conventions and being short is charming. Add the last five ones and you have a nice 6-level wad.
  4. Colusio

    Wad Releases and GPL licenses

    Dethwalk released in april 1994 was the first wad mentioning the idea of derivative works in it's textfile: "If you improve the level please call it DWALKnnn.WAD and upload it to ocf.unt.edu." It only received negative comments and nobody made a DWALK001 such a shame.
  5. Colusio

    Games You Have The Most Hours In?

    10k hours in doom but I played at least 5k levels so that's doesn't compare to 350h in Zelda's Breath of the wild (and expansion packs). On steam 283 Witcher 3 inclusive the two addons. Finished none and never will. 190 Bioshock I,II,III ( Still playing Bioshock 2) 134,4 hours in Stalker Call of Pyripat. 102.9 hours in Ghost Wire. 91.4 Subnautica 86 Prey 27.7 Soma
  6. Colusio

    MAP04 added to wad! (WIP)

    Played Underwater Explosions, "second map of back to saturn X ep2 be4 assault2" just before assault 2 so nice barrel mix. Played he first three maps with fast monsters to augment the corridors with rooms of the first two maps. Which felt not out of place in the second map, an underground base well done. Third map was the most fun to play. The gradual step up in complexity of the maps is a fun thing to experience. Although I'm no mapper myself. The fourth map, strongly disliked the part after the opening room and before the underground river. Without that part, that would be mine second favorite map. Thanks for making those maps and I enjoyed playing them.
  7. Colusio

    Is it just me who dislikes Spectres?

    I feel that the SSG did help with making them pointless except the special use cases mentioned in this tread. I totally agree with fast making them so much better.
  8. Colusio

    Is it just me who dislikes Spectres?

    You need ray tracing for translucency. Translucent spectres would be very very cool. They have the same size, attack, movement and sounds as the pinky's but they are transparent and hollow. A striking example of convergent evolution in hell 's bestiary, maybe the children of a invisible monster that dies just before the doom guy enters.
  9. Playing doom levels happened to me.


  10. Colusio

    Can Doom be considered a horror game?

    When I played beyond kadath it felt like a horror game. I saw this thread and replayed it. A revenant kicked me and I felt death in an open grave. I'm little bit anxious now. The ending of inferno ( episode 3 ) was the only horror moment in Doom for me.
  11. Colusio

    Baron of hell anatomy?

    They absorb bullets and pellets until a certain threshold. Then they'll die immediately due to "poisoning".
  12. Xp has support for full screen in dos. Windows 7 and it's predecessor Vista lost that.
  13. Colusio

    Debut Map! Trouble In Rubble City

    I like maps that create their own world. Doesn't look like the other city levels, I played which made it refreshing. Level progression different then I expected, felt natural. Thanks for making this.
  14. Colusio


    @Doomdude89 Did you kill all the monsters? @that guy23442 Welcome, it was too hard for me,