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El Juancho

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About El Juancho

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    Tryhard member

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  1. El Juancho

    Has ID made E1M5 impossible?

    why ID would make a level impossible to fin... WHAT
  2. El Juancho

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    galaxia19p246.zip nuts3-050.zip
  3. El Juancho

    Favourite Opening Map?

    Surprised no one said Alien Vendetta yet, so iconic and memorable, even when it's short. Sets the WAD mood perfectly.
  4. El Juancho

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    GALAXIA E1M9 Pacifist in 2.46 galaxia19p246.zip
  5. El Juancho

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    Lets just stop talking about what that person said in this thread please, it's not the main focus of this thread. R.I.P.
  6. El Juancho

    B.P.R.D. Wads Demos [-complevel 2 and 9]

    Nuts 3 UV-Speed in 50.51 nuts3-050.zip
  7. I dont even know where to start. Fantastic, fantastic map. I didn't even saw the screenshots when downloading this wad so this wad was a pleasant surprise. I admit that in the first mins of playing it i wanted to quit because i was overwhelmed by the size of the map, but i got so hooked that i completed it in one sitting :). Not gonna lie, i probably wouldn't completed this level if i didn't found the computer area map, this map is HUGE, laberintic and some areas look very similar so its easy to getting lost. I missed some BIG areas but i have no idea how to get to them. I cannot wait for someone to do a good max demo of this map lol. I loved the atmosphere, the cryptic level progression and the new enemies and weapons, i'm gonna remember this wad for the rest of my life pretty sure.
  8. El Juancho

    Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]

    Map01 Nomo in 6.57 hr01o657.zip
  9. El Juancho

    I made a video essay about Doom 2

    One of the best doom videos i've ever seen, this is a must watch for all Doom fans
  10. 100% blatant cheating. The game is registering an action that you are not doing physically, so its fair to say that it's TAS Null binds were banned back in CS 1.6
  11. El Juancho

    Station X - 30 years old. A real classic

    Some time ago we did a idgames random race in a discord server, one of the wads we runned was station x... We had a very miserable time running it, the level had a extremely cryptic level progression, had a lot of softlocks and it was way too long. We where in a voice chat so we could hear each other when trying to beat the level, because running station x was a miserable experience it was actually hilarious hearing some people cursing the level or just talking about the level. There was a runner who was about to finish the level but sadly got soflocked at the end, i somehow finished the level first. It was one of the most memorable and bizzarre experiences i've had with doom lol. The level was so miserable and bad that it became a meme in the server for months. Like those movies that are so bad that are memorable and famous :P
  12. El Juancho

    Station X - 30 years old. A real classic

    Dont ask idgames random races runners their opinion about stationx
  13. El Juancho

    Video games with your favorite sound design?

    Half-Life, the sound design is just so iconic
  14. The higher weapon switch speeds really makes the doom gunplay more fun, fast paced and dynamic :)
  15. El Juancho

    Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

    Bro is having an aneurysm for trying to press 2 keys at once