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About kain

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  2. kain

    Art contest 7 voting (again)

    the demon looks like it has no skin with all the muscles, either that, or he must work out.
    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Hellbent
    3. dsm


      kain said:

      you know that toepic.

      As a matter of fact: No I don't - if it's a topic in blogs, then I obviously missed it since I don't check blogs that often.

    4. kain


      yah me neither. ive been ripping apart my rx7 getting it ready to race in the scca.

  3. kain

    BoH model

    thats pretty damn cool.
  4. kain

    less-than-lethal ammo could help lower crime

    o believe me, its much worse. it feels like your skin is getting ripped off. it actually is.
  5. kain

    Spank the monkey!

    o cmon. yall suck if you cant beat me.
  6. kain

    Ralphis,For my sake and your sake.Read this.

    the result is ralphis. yes, they are horrific.
  7. kain

    Spank the monkey!

    too bad soo sad.
  8. kain

    Animal rights

    just eat some damn bacon.
  9. kain

    Spank the monkey!

    http://www.newbieforces.com/files/fastestspanker.JPG good lord yall dont know how to do it. sheesh. *THAT IMAGE WAS MUCH TOO BIG - READ THE RULES IN THE FAQ ABOUT POSTING IMAGES*
  10. yip. after a long and painful sleep, my 86 gxl is now breathing fire. and literally. when i shit, it spits fire out the tail pipes. coolest shit ever. ill post pics.

    o and btw, i dont give a fuck what yall think. this is a blog and its going in blogs. so jump off mike d!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. darknation


      /me bows down before the zark

      fucking genius

    3. DooMBoy


      heh @ zark

      who cares @ kain

    4. kain


      and actually ravage, gesse games aint special. almost all motor cycle people can do just the same shit he does, hell. your shuch a loser jesus fucking christ.

  11. kain

    Ralphis,For my sake and your sake.Read this.

    is it me or is the dude with the ralphis shirt have it on backwards?
  12. kain

    Bare Breasts

    no, they think your a loser. so they answer to a loser.
  13. well, to my horrid suprise, the pulsation dampener is broken. just to put it in a simple way, broken pulsation dampener means gasoline being sprayed onto the engine and then, fwoosh! goodbye. luckily i found it before i died. lol.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sharessa


      Actualy, he's starting to annoy me too.

    3. kain


      o really? good.

    4. kain