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  1. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    I showed off where I was up to in the map (Complete) and where the issue is... But I honestly did so much back and forth (You can see from the timer...) I couldn't even begin to tell you what might have caused it. I used idclip in a few places (Not the main arena fights) but that was only to get back onto ledges and not to skip progression (Which I know is also baked into the map). Was using save and reloads, but wouldn't necessarily think that would break triggers. Could also be some weird thing on my end too, lets not rule that out.
  2. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Well, just finished map 30 (After the mammoth map 36) and that was definitely an experience! Absolutely amazing wad. A very small thing, but map 36, the arena with the lost souls and the arch-viles/revenants in the corner applying pressure. Not sure at what point this happens, but when I re-entered to get some ammo there's a HOM on the stairs. I'm not smart enough to take screenshots in DSDA. While we're talking about map 36, I have a question about the super secret Sigil reference (Stop reading here if you're avoiding spoilers): I managed to find this by accident, although I needed idclip and ultimate doom builder to finish it off (I just couldn't figure out where the last sigil eye was, and how to get back up from all but one of the eyes). Does this just make the animated clip appear at the starting room? I saw there was another Thing that should be able to teleport, but I couldn't figure out how to do it (If it is indeed possible). This thing also exists in the credits map, and I'm not sure if they are spawnable on the main area there too.
  3. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    It's a recreation of this. https://runescape.wiki/w/Lunar_Isle Where you first teleport in is the ship you arrive by, the main town is the main town, then there's the Baba Yaga house (A house with chicken feet) which obviously can't move around in Doom (Or would need WAY more time to build), the Livid Farm minigame just north of that, then the astral altar down in the south (Where you get the big gun in this case, and which spawns the imps in). I presume you're right about that puzzle too, I presumed it was that when I did it.
  4. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    I've been slowly playing through this on UV, with saves but pistol starting each map. I'm up to map 27 (I had to skip 33) and can I just say that the super secret area in Map26 is absolutely BRILLIANT. It took me a hot minute to realise what it was a recreation of, and that's with being a hardcore Runescaper. Brilliant, just brilliant.
  5. If you're using a source port that allows dragging and dropping onto the executable file to load .wads (E.G, GZ Doom, DSDA, etc), you can just select both and drag them and it will work as expected.
  6. Magicana

    What are you playing now?

    Just finally finished my playthrough of Scythe 2 on UV for the first time - Was quite a bit of fun. The last few maps were definitely a challenge. Map 27, which is where my HMP run ended a long time ago, wasn't quite as bad as I thought. Some tricky fights, but I managed to eventually slog through. Map 28 was a surprising ammo shortage (Might have also been me with some very wild BFG shots) but not too bad. Map 29 was very tricky, I don't know that I'd have been able to finish it if I wasn't playing continuous. Map 30 was a lot of fun, played it slow to start (Letting the Afrits infight with everything before I made a sound) then absolutely blasted my way through. Very enjoyable. I'm now onto Eviternity II, just finished map07. Playing on UV and pistol starting each map, the maps have all been amazing looking and the new enemy roster has some very big surprises in it.
  7. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    Dragonfly, you've had like two days off, I think now is really the time to start thinking about Eviternity III through IX. :P
  8. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    92 is half of 99 - I've played enough Runescape to understand that reference!
  9. Magicana

    [RC5] EVITERNITY II - RC5 Released!

    I'm excited to sit down and play this when I've got some time!
  10. Magicana

    Sunder - Map20 Appears, finally.

    https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mgxtka0mipoa87urd8ae5/Sunder-21816.wad?rlkey=n328uezgevknue2glf1l8v9v2&dl=0 Hopefully this works! Just as an FYI I know that the map 31 progression into map 32 was broken at some point early on, and if so, I did fix it for my own copy. Not sure if that impacts this WAD. Only mentioning it as a FYI for a potential change that was made.
  11. Magicana

    Sunder - Map20 Appears, finally.

    I've searched my computer and have 21816, not sure if that's any help to you.
  12. This has been a great trip down memory lane - Thank you for the playthrough!
  13. Map 16 was another fun one. xxWenxx had made a fully functioning map (Probably about 90% of what you saw in here) without any Thing placement. He then dropped out of the project suddenly, kinda leaving us in the lurch. With a lot of prodding and pleading, he sent us what he had worked on. At this point map03 was done so I volunteered to do the Thing placement. It did involve a little manipulation of the geometry, but the basics were all from xxWenxx. I was playing Sunder when I worked on it, so the monster placement is a little based on that experience - Not that there are enough monsters to warrant the slaughter title. The cyberdemon placement is probably what I'm most proud of - The ominous thud being heard right through the map builds a lot of atmosphere. The baron room still makes me laugh - Everyone always tries to fight them in cramped quarters, but the door is only locked from the outside so you can also just leave. The final fight with the Hell Knights and the Cyber is probably the weak point in my view. You did fine because of the weapon carryover, but no BFG kinda makes the fight a bit RNG. Sometimes the knights walk the stairs and push you out into the cyber, sometimes everything infights and you have a good time. Again, like Map03, Mistersector went through and made the map look 1000x better. He has a map coming up later that was absolutely gobsmacking - If you thought map03 was big, wait till you try his next one!
  14. Glad I happened to login and see the notification! A wonderful playthrough of map03 - Philnembra started the map off but then had to leave the project (I can't remember why at this point...) and I snapped up the opportunity to be involved with the project. I took off from where he started, he had created the initial entry area, down into the pentagram centre with a few branches looping off. I turned it into a more full map, the MisterSector got involved and turned my cramped map into the larger version we see here! He did an amazing job, enlarging it, keeping my initial vision but making it better. The lighting also is amazing from his work. Mistersector, if you're still reading things here (It doesn't seem like it), I can't express how much I appreciate the work you put in! The map name itself was just ripping a bit on the overly wordy trend of map names!
  15. Magicana

    Weird Mandela affect

    E1M6 has that one area I always swore had sky, but going back, it's a weird lighting flat. Very uncomfortable viewing.