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I'm a Cop, You Idiot

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About I'm a Cop, You Idiot

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  1. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    What do you play Doom mobile on?

    We all know Doom can run on anything. I was just wondering what you go to device is for on the go Doom. What do you play on for mobile demon slaying, if anything?
  2. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    Ive been working on this for a few months, what do you guys think?
  3. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Doomy thoughts

    Its one of my favorite OSTs for any game, when I looked it up I found the composer is the same from Duke3D. But those are really his only games, kinda sad.
  4. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Doomy thoughts

    The ROTT soundtrack goes very well with fast paced Doom WADS. Anyone know good ones that use this music? I randomly stumble past them sometimes.
  5. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Your dumb Doom habits

    Circlestrafe so fast I just strafe back into the projectile I was dodging
  6. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Family-Friendly DOOM Wallpaper

    I really cant find any, here's a cute imp.
  7. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Myth/Fantasy Creatures you would kill in Doom

    Like the Hell Knight in Doom 4??
  8. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Myth/Fantasy Creatures you would kill in Doom

    Just wanted to say how badass of an idea the Cyclops is, it would fit right in! I would also like to see maybe some mini dragons or monsterous bats the behave like the Lost Souls
  9. Goot moaning. Howwah youh? Em going to esk a serious of quesshuns...end I want dem answered IMMEDIATELY.


    WHOOIZ yuh daddyh...an' whaddozzih DOOH?

    1. Era Di Cate
    2. Impie


      Sincerely didn't think anyone would make an Allo Allo reference to that.

    3. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      Ummmm please don't trivialize Schwarzenegger's acting in this iconic scene. Do you not understand he was trying to find a dangerous criminal in that Kindergarten class? 

      Arnold my Hero.jpg

  10. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Share a random fact about yourself

    Also marry jane is illegal, dirty druggies.
  11. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I like Doom 4 more than Doom. :o
  12. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Doom 5 (2030) should have/be...

    I just want to point out, that video from 3) is from Snapmap which has a lower demon cap than whats found in the singleplayer. People like to throw this video around but its not representative of the actual demon limit.
  13. Best username on the entire forum.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HavoX


      at least it's more creative than [this user does not exist]

    3. Tracer


      How about the member simply called Doom?  You know...the guy with the actual best username here that hasn't posted since 2002.

    4. CzechMate29200


      Joined: 10 Feb 2001

      last visited: 10 Feb 2001

      yet in that time he made 122 posts, wow

  14. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

    Doom 5 (2030) should have/be...

    The infamous Samuel Hayden's office is what people usually mean.
  15. Sweet username :)

    1. I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      I'm a Cop, You Idiot

      I really love Kindergarten Cop

    2. Tracer


      Maybe you have a tumor!!!
