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About piesunisko

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. piesunisko

    OLd School Dnb Or DubStep

    the classic
  2. piesunisko

    What is your "Go-To" software for dealing with your system?

    Notepad++ foobar2000 Midi player by falcosoft Milkytracker CDisplayex Media Player Classic Winrar Soulseek (cant live without it) qbittorrent
  3. piesunisko

    Random Image Thread

    A fun screenshot i took in Blood a while back The mod is Caleb will have his revenge in Toronto, play it, its great
  4. piesunisko

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Godly music thats all im gonna say
  5. piesunisko

    Surreal doom maps?

    A pretty surreal Everywhere at the end of time inspired doom wad, ending hits pretty hard in this one, i recommend going in blind
  6. Damn sounds like an interesting concept, enough for me to dust off my DW account after a long time, i would like one please!
  7. piesunisko

    Less Known Doom mods/maps

    Ok that one was awesome!
  8. piesunisko

    Less Known Doom mods/maps

    Two of my favorite megawads, i played both of them with mutiny a lot of times
  9. piesunisko

    Less Known Doom mods/maps

    Ok i just played it and its awesome, thanks for recommendations
  10. piesunisko

    Less Known Doom mods/maps

    Yeah we all know Eviternity and Smooth Doom, but Doom is known as one of the most modded games of all time and im pretty sure there are mods and wads that despite being good, gained very little attention to our community. So do you guys know such mods/wads? Mine would be Mutiny (and no, not the megawad)
  11. piesunisko

    My Very First WAD (Five Map miniwad)

    Very good wad for a first time, my fav map is the third one it had a nice rooms in the beginning and the end, first i played it with prboom+ but i couldn't finish it because the center with cyberdemon didn't lower, also i noticed that with prboom+ music doesn't get replaced, i recorded my second try with zdoom tho JakeDemo.rar Also happy birthday to your brother :)
  12. piesunisko

    My first WAD

    I really liked it, good for a first map
  13. So its gonna have the 4th episode?
  14. piesunisko

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Is that a Umineko reference? As for mine- M A Y O
  15. Maybe Parallel Doomensions? First map song name + Doom?