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About LadyVader1138

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  1. LadyVader1138

    Doom 64 coming to PC and modern consoles?

    Okay, not only am I happy to finally own Doom 64, but this port is just wonderfully made. I wish the ports of Doom and Doom II were as good. Also, fun fact I discovered: After plugging in my USB keyboard into my Switch, I discovered you can bind the controls to it! Mouse almost works, but only the buttons and the mouse wheel counted the same up or down. Also, on keyboard at least, if you assign a key twice, it keeps BOTH inputs. Probably should be patched. Still, fantastic port!
  2. LadyVader1138

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    This thought passed my mind and made me smile earlier. Congrats!
  3. LadyVader1138

    The Unity Port Thread - PS/Xbox/Switch/IOS/Android

    I happily downloaded the update on my Switch but I am really, REALLY hating the weapon carousel. It feels so damn slow and it is super ugly! I just wanna be able to turn it off! Also, Nightmare still doesnt have fast monsters. Otherwise, excellent update.
  4. LadyVader1138

    Doom 1-3 on the Switch?!

    I was told you couldn't!
  5. LadyVader1138

    Doom 1-3 on the Switch?!

    Wanting to add in one other change to the patch: the Switch version now lets you use individual Joy-Cons in multiplayer! Though it did make me wonder, can you play Doom and Doom II with the NES Joy-Cons? If anyone has them on the Switch and the NES Joy-Cons, please, tell me if they work as individual controllers!
  6. LadyVader1138

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Of course he did!
  7. LadyVader1138

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Here's the run if anyone is interested in seeing it.
  8. LadyVader1138

    Things about Doom you just found out

    ZeroMaster's a god.
  9. LadyVader1138

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I just learned it is possible to beat the Icon of Sin playing Pacifist.
  10. LadyVader1138

    Worst Doom Level

    E2M6. This map doesn't just fuck me up in classic Doom, but also fucks me up in Doom 2016! This shit is why Sandy Petersen's my mortal nemesis.
  11. LadyVader1138

    Doom 64 coming to PC and modern consoles?

    I'm still very happy with the ports of classic Doom on my Switch. It's very convenient for me. And it is a step up from the other portable port I own.
  12. LadyVader1138

    Things about Doom you just found out

    I forgot that the PS3 version had Final Doom.
  13. LadyVader1138

    Doom 64 coming to PC and modern consoles?

    But Quake has an atmosphere that just is so cool.
  14. LadyVader1138

    Doom 64 coming to PC and modern consoles?

    Is it wrong that with this, I just want them to add Quake as well to the Switch?