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june gloom

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About june gloom

  • Rank
    fight trans genocide by any means necessary

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  1. june gloom

    What can you get banned for?

    Not tryna be, just relating an observation.
  2. june gloom

    What can you get banned for?

    Thinking white genocide is a thing seems to be a relatively easy way to get yourself booted, as it should. Especially if you're doing it 'cuz you're mad about my member status.
  3. june gloom

    0patch Curiosity

    Shit like this is why I stayed on Amiga.
  4. june gloom

    Blasphemer discussion

    I do like the stairway one as it calls back to old dungeon crawlers. Witchaven II had a whole FMV intermission screen of going down a circular stairway that was honestly the coolest thing about that game.
  5. I'm so glad you're doing this. More obscure non-DOS games need to be ported to Doom.
  6. june gloom

    Blasphemer discussion

    I feel a less shiny appearance overall makes it look a lot better. The 90s CGI look really stands out against the rest of the bestiary.
  7. june gloom

    0patch Curiosity

    It's only happened to me personally once but I've witnessed other people run into the same problem. I suspect it was because of Windows Update. Thing wanted me to reboot, so I did, and then it didn't want to reboot. Wound up just nuking the drive and installing W10.
  8. june gloom

    0patch Curiosity

    Windows 7 would have been great if its Windows Update wasn't trash and if it didn't repeatedly eat its own bootloader.
  9. june gloom

    Blasphemer discussion

    Give Blasphemous Experiments a try. It gets hard as nails but it's doable. I would also recommend Chris Lutz' Icebound, which is probably the best Heretic level I've ever played.
  10. june gloom

    Community Project concepts that you would like to see?

    A dungeon crawler type wad made up of 30 (or more) maps with an RPG system and maybe multiple classes. Could go for medieval fantasy, or do something like Caverns of Darkness/What Lies Beneath/etc. where you have a surface-level facility, then an underground superstructure from where they were doing excavations, then some creepy underground ruins, then caverns, and finally go full cosmic horror madness at the bottom.
  11. Obviously I don't make the calls but I don't think you really fit in here in that case. This is called Doomworld, not Suppliceworld.
  12. june gloom

    Blasphemer discussion

    This looks awesome. Definitely not a fan of the current beast.
  13. june gloom

    Blasphemer discussion

    That's a very weird stance to take on launchers but whatever, no skin off my nose. As far as Heretic vs Blasphemer is concerned, it's hard to really make comparisons when we have so little maps-wise that was actually built and intended for Blasphemer -- most of its current maps are pre-made Heretic maps (like I spotted Chris Lutz' Torture in there) that generally try to mimic the Heretic atmosphere. And while Heretic is also dark fantasy, its particular aesthetic leans away from the gothic trappings of Blasphemer and more towards a more sinister take on epic or high fantasy. As such it's overall more colorful and more brightly lit. Compare that to Blasphemer's E1M1 which is very reminiscent of the first level of Blood. Then you start getting into the premade stuff and it's really clear which aesthetic the mappers were going for -- Heretic's, because Blasphemer's didn't really exist at the time. The differences between the two titles' overall aesthetics can be subtle sometimes but I think there is a difference.
  14. june gloom

    So, GZDoom has replaced its sector light options...

    Not beating the brick wall allegations, Dark Pulse. Don't quote me anymore.
  15. june gloom

    So, GZDoom has replaced its sector light options...

    The fact that you're doubling down on the "commercial GZDoom game = total conversion" thing and tried to make me seem unreasonable for pointing out that nobody else uses the term that way (and I wasn't the only one!) tells me that my time contributing to this discussion is at an end, because it's exactly what I said, I'm talking to a brick wall. Have a great rest of your weekend, but I'm unsubscribing from this thread.