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About Laguna

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  1. Laguna

    How was the original Doom sold?

    I thought the lost episodes were pretty cool. I had the Book+Sleeve for it, it was a Cybex book. They were pretty tight back in the day and I had the Ultimate Doom SG, Doom 2 SG and the Lost Episodes. It was so ghetto how they just hacked the sprites for the episode titles but it looked good, but glitched with Ultimate Doom. I remember picking that up in a bookstore in Omaha, Nebraska when I was in like 3rd grade. Good times.
  2. I was watching the news last night, drunk out of my gourd and I saw something really crazy.

    Okay, so the night before yesterday, a guy had been interviewed about having his identity stolen by a guy at a metro bank who made a fake driver's license to access his bank account (the bank was a Wells-Fargo and they caught video of the man smiling at the teller's counter while withdrawing a few thousand dollars or something like that). The story aired a few times subsequent to that and then at a Ford factory in said metro (where the suspect worked), his coworkers were watching the news when they saw him and he bolted. He was arrested because of the news.

    Same day - three teenagers accused of burglarizing homes in the twin cities broke into one lady's house and stole things, among stolen items, a video camera. Now, these kids are fucking dumb. They go and steal a fucking car, ditch it, and leave the video camera. The problem? They videotaped themselves and left the fucking camera in the car and it was recovered later on. The video footage was all over the news. Same day, two of the teenagers were arrested. One of the three remains on the run but I'm sure being high-school age it'll be a matter of hours or days before he's arrested as I'm sure his name is out now (if he isn't already in custody).

    Sometimes the media does work.

    1. Gokuma


      Footage of a guy testifying how he made the software for rigged voting machines before congress was apparently only briefly shown and barely anybody noticed or cared since the old farts in congress did not or pretended not to understand and explore it any further.

  3. Been a while since I've posted.

    Just thought I'd drop everyone a line. I am in the Army now so I won't get to do this very often. I am currently stationed in Fort Benning, GA (for BCT - 3 more weeks but I'm on leave for Christmas)
    and after that I go to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio for my AIT (I'm a 91 Whiskey or Medic) for four months.

    Yeah. Well, maybe I'll post again maybe not but I wanted to wish everyone the best.

    (and the account is still losered lol)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Laguna


      The side of the head is either the temple, or the pressure points behind the ear or under the jaw.

      We didn't really do anything too fancy. The nose is one place we're taught also, but, in a combat situation it is only so effective, thus we were taught not to rely on it and to go for either a kill or aim to render an opponent unconscious.

      The area under the arm pit is also good. If struck hard enough, it can cause a person to go unconscious.

      When all else fails, there's the MMA stuff we were taught: rear-naked chokes, arm bars, and other things (that I forgot the names to), but they sure as hell worked, and having them demonstrated on me by my drill sergeant (not as punishment but at our training) I can assure you they are highly effective. And painful.

    3. Bucket


      Laguna said:

      rear-naked chokes


    4. Laguna


      It makes me hot, too. Indeed I love straddling grown men from behind and choking them out. It usually makes them more receptive to my "training" if you catch my drift (wink wink nudge nudge say no more). ;)

  4. Well, I lucked out and my internet will indeed not be disconnected until Wednesday, the 1st of September... The same date I move out.

    I had the opportunity (not the pleasure, though) of visiting George Fiffy's (King REoL) site out of sheer morbid curiosity today by googling it. What I found inside was absolutely atrocious, especially the maps for Quake 3. I only downloaded one of them, "No Vacancy" or something, and while he pimps his maps and sites so much, this map TRULY sucks. The only good architecture in his map was the front entrance staircase thingy, coincidentally all he took screenshots of. The area is, in the true fashion of George Fiffy, littered with powerups and weapons. I had every single powerup, minus flight, going at the same time.

    Anyways, I flamed him for his horrible maps that he pimps to be the best or "as good as everyone else's" on his website and his horribly distasteful article on Columbine where every sentence contains the word "REoL TougH" or "King REoL" to the point of disgust. Here's the email I sent to him promptly after reading his Columbine Article:

    Since I'm too lazy to crop it down it will be at 1024x768 resolution.

    Anyways, now on to the fun stuff. My own [perhaps crap] map port of one of the Danzig series maps is pretty much fleshed out, minus the last little area I didn't throw in yet. This "last little area" is actually my idea so I can at least say I didn't completely rip the map off. I have a few screenshots that I will post later on today. Still have a ways to go before it's finished, but it'll be worth it. :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lüt


      darknation said:

      I miss reol.

      Look no further.

    3. darknation


      you are a bad, bad person lüt.

    4. Ichor


      Yet another reason to avoid PlanetDoom.

  5. Laguna

    DooM Map Idea

    This sounds like an undertaking that can only be accomplished if you're REoL TOUGH (TM).
  6. Laguna

    Outdoor lighting

    I've tried using the projected shadow option, but I don't know which options to tweak to make it actually illuminate the entire area. Apparently, you will get more light with textures that have specular highlights. What a bummer. In any case, the Danzig port is almost 3/4 of the way done. I've thrown in a few extras and all, but actually refining and tweaking the map so it doesn't look like shit will be a different story altogether.
  7. Laguna

    Outdoor lighting

    I'm not too familiar with the specifics of the lighting features in Doom 3 as far as the syntax goes. Here's the problem: I'm probably 1/2 the way through my new DM map, but I am having a problem getting the outdoor lighting to work. I have a skybox that works and all, but even if I tweak the fall-off, and radius of the light (making it huge at that), it won't light up my outdoor scene. Does anyone know how to make it illuminate large areas with a single light?
  8. Listen from roughly 2:13. Anyone know where this scream originally came from? I know I've heard it a million and a half times, and that scream (minus the really crackly one after 2:13) was also the death scream for the PSX version of Ultimate Doom. Anyone know where it comes from?
  9. Laguna

    Help me mod a Mossberg 835 (gun-savvy)

    I was just testing the hipshots because you can't really shoot from the shoulder with a pistol grip. Quast - could you tell me what shape the socket is on the inset of the stock where it connects to the frame of the shotgun itself?
  10. Probably an odd question, but... I have a question regarding the 835 model by Mossberg. It's a WONDERFUL shotgun, so there's no doubt about that. I've had this gun for about 2 3/4 years and I love it. It also is becoming increasingly popular for home defense because it can handle heavy loads (3 1/2" magnum shells and 00 buck) and still perform admirably. I'm not the world's best physics expert but I'm assuming the barrel length with the weight (28" barrel and roughly weighing about 9 pounds) help keep the gun steady if you can handle it. Here's where the hard part comes in. I am thinking about adding a tactical folding stock + pistol grip kit (a la Franchi SPAS-12) to change it into a home defense/sporter combination shotgun. The problem comes in with the ungodly barrel length. Now, honestly, not many pistol-gripped shotguns that I have seen have a massive 28" barrel on the body itself. The barrel isn't inherently a problem as I have already practiced a few times "shooting from the hip" and it is perfectly comfortable and controllable for me (muzzle never jumping more than 12 degrees), but I am not sure if Mossberg made the stock in a way that it would only be compatible with a sporting stock as opposed to a tactical stock. Does anyone know whether it can be done without any extra modifications to the gun? And before anyone else suggests it, I'm not getting one of those M1-style Pistol grip/Sporting tactical stock setups because they just look plain gay. Can ya throw me a bone here?
  11. Laguna

    This guy is a hero

    http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1198179&perpage=40&pagenumber=1 Seriously. We need more people like this in the world. [EDIT]: Okay, a SA forums account would help now that I think about it. I think you can still get into General Bullshit without an account by going to forums.somethingawful.com and clicking General Bullshit Otherwise, maybe if you're nice you could ask another SA forum member (maybe Ling even) to save and rar it for you and host it.
  12. Laguna

    Classic-er Gameplay for Doom 3

    The good lord made pointfiles for a reason, I guess.
  13. Laguna

    Modelled Rocks

    Well, when it asks for "height and width" it is basically asking how many columns and rows you want initially. So, if you want to be able to bend it around 5 different points independent of other CPs (control points) to make a more realistic shape. I WOULD do a tutorial on terrain, but you can get better, smoother results with something like GenSurf. If the demand is high enough I can start a thread for patch-mesh based terrain, but I usually use GenSurf. It SHOULD work in Doom 3 Radiant, since it exports to a .map format that Q3Radiant and GTKRadiant uses.
  14. Laguna

    Classic colors mod

    The pinky has always looked like an uncircumsized penis, but this time it's actually a PINK pinky demon that resembles an uncircumsized penis.
  15. Laguna

    Classic colors mod

    Dear God, no. Spare me from the stereotypical green-skinned zombie, please. :( (P.S: SKINS LOOK GREAT! :D )