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Adam Oker

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About Adam Oker

  • Rank
    Moroccan Doomer

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  1. Adam Oker

    What could the "Z" in "ZDoom" stand for?

    Good one lmao-
  2. I don't think Randi Heit gave that much thought on what the Z stands for in ZDoom (i might be wrong lol). But it's fun to speculate! So, what do you think it could stand for? Personally, it probably stands for something like "Zesty Doom"!
  3. I for real thought that was Doom 3 gameplay at the beggining lmao
  4. Looks stunning! I'll check it out
  5. That weapon at the end kinda looks like Doom 64's Chaingun lol-
  6. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom (Code::Blocks)

    If you're referring to MSYS2, it was extremely slow, and it would suck if i had to wait for chocolate doom to compile for another 2 hours for the most smallest of changes. I mean, if you have any tips on speeding it up, i'm up
  7. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom (Code::Blocks)

    So, i tried using CMake, it went smoothly until i finished configuring, then it just throws me this error : I don't even know where cc1.exe is, not cc11plus.exe. And if i avoid these errors CMake just tells me that configuration is incomplete So, where is cc1.exe even located, i used msys2 mingw32's C/C++/Fortran compilers btw. Help
  8. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom (Code::Blocks)

    I see, i guess i'll just use CMake...
  9. Hi, so after i compiled Chocolate Doom with MSYS2 (which took an insane amount of time to compile ;-;), i found a different page, one for compiling with Code::Blocks, so i decided to try it out since i'm more familiar with Code::Blocks and so hopefully compilation won't take as long. So, i started trying to compile, i followed the steps up until reached the actual compiling step, where it then threw me this error. There are some other errors, but i'll tackle them one after the other. I also left the build options basically untouched. For now i need help trying to fix this error. I used : -Chocolate Doom release 2.30.2's source (the latest version didnt have a codeblocks folder) -SDL2 2.30.2 -SDL2_mixer 2.8,0 -SDL2_net 2.2.0 Thanks in advance!
  10. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom

    Actually,i found them! I was looking around the wrong folders. And....it worked! It no longer threw any error at me which is awesome. So, yea, thanks a lot everyone!!
  11. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom

    Where are the zip files situated? Since i didn't find them in pkg/win32 It also throws this error early on and half way through :
  12. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom

    Oh shit, i missed that step. I don't know how i missed it, bad mistake on my part, sorry.
  13. Adam Oker

    Doomguy is having a mental breakdown

    "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Five Nights at Freddy's! An indie horror game that you guys suggested in mass, and I saw that Yamimash played it and he said that it was really, really good; so I’m very eager to see what is up - and that is a terrifying animatronic bear."
  14. Adam Oker

    Trouble compiling Chocolate Doom

    They're missing a couple of DLL files, and even after replacing the ones that were there it still didn't work :\