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About video_ouija

  • Rank
    Warming Up

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  1. video_ouija

    DooM but Better [My first WAD!!]

    It was, indeed, better.
  2. video_ouija

    DooM but Better [My first WAD!!]

    I can read your sarcasm form here. I'll still take a gander.
  3. very good Gaza album
  4. video_ouija

    Avatar's Demise

    1998. Nice Heretic map with a good flow. Resource management required. I had a lot of fun learning/playing this one.
  5. Cleanse. Fun map. Enjoyed the tough elevator portion.



  6. awesome map. slayer solo midi sounds like bees

    Currently playing through The Fireblue Conundrum. This transmission is left as a reminder to myself in the future, perhaps. Or to someone who may find the random link of wads to come and decide they'd like to try them.


    Good so far. I'm quite a bit rusty so had a hard time initially, but I'm enjoying it. Starts off small and builds into some comfy slaughter sections.



    a lot of it is cramped as fuck


  8. only a few maps in, but this is a great, fun wad. good work
  9. video_ouija

    In the Mess of it

    feels like an old school doom wad. I very much liked.