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About JJBoren

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  1. JJBoren

    [DOOM II] Keys To Stop Evil

    I gave this map a go, and I found the ammo balancing to be fine. Though, you probably shouldn't take one person's opinion as gospel. This map also taught me that vanilla Doom 2 has a shootable exit switch. Other than that, I don't have much else to say. Good work.
  2. If you are mapping in a format that allows scripting, then there are numerous ways of accomplishing things. In one of my maps, player is locked in a room and the bars blocking player's exit are slowly lowering. Now, if the player manages to kill almost all of the monsters before the bars have lowered, the bars will be lowered instantly so that players doesn't have to twiddle with their thumbs in an empty room. In a more classical formats, simple things like dropping the player into a room from a ledge work well. Using something like a Baron as a door can also work.
  3. JJBoren

    [Single Map for Doom 1] Reception

    Pretty neat E1 style map. I think architecture, detailing and layout were quite good for a first map.
  4. JJBoren

    Do people actually PLAY the mods or maps you make?

    Some people play my maps. I don't really expect my maps to be popular since a lot good stuff is being uploaded regularly, so just any feedback makes me happy. A while ago I noticed that someone has uploaded a commented playthrough of my first released map in Spanish. Alas, I don't understand Spanish.
  5. I have made an updated version of his WAD. Most of the changes have been made to the MAP12, the original version of the map was made in a rush so I decided to make some adjustments to it. Hopefully this will be the last iteration of this WAD. MAP12 -I have changed the layout a bit, it should now be a much less of a hassle to leave the Yellow Skull area. -I tweaked the encounters a bit and added couple of things. MAP10 -Gave the map slightly more teeth. I have also made miscellaneous bug fixes.
  6. My map, MAP001, also has a RAMP2024 themed Easter egg.
  7. JJBoren

    If you could be any Doom level, which Doom level would you be?

    MAP03: The Gauntlet, because I'm that forgettable.
  8. Finally managed to finish my contribution to this year's RAMP: MAP001 "Slipgate Adventure". I have rated it very long and hard. My map ended up being a chunky boi.
  9. Almost done with this area.
  10. There are in total 45 maps at the moment.
  11. So a standard Clippy map then?
  12. @Obsidian How exactly do we go about implementing difficulty settings? Do I just edit my part of the map and then send it to you? Also, how much are we allowed to adjust the map?
  13. My piece is done.
  14. Finally got around to recording 100% playthrough of all levels. Secrets are timestamped in the video descriptions.
  15. Thank you for the feedback. As for Cacos... well there's a map where you can spend few minutes making tomato juice if you want to.