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About Pancrasio

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  1. Pancrasio

    Reir por no llorar (legacy of rust map)

    #FREEDENZEL!!! Mapa falopa si los hay, y no lo digo en perjuicio, lo digo como virtú
  2. Pancrasio

    volume settings and music

    My case is probably a weird one, but I have it at 15 in dsda and the other sfx as 6 or 5. I find it most of the time the midi volume is too low and gets drowned on monster sounds, which are always pretty loud even at 4. Occasionally there's that one case of the midi being too loud so I actually have to keep both of them at roughly the same. Though I should notice my computer is set at 15-25 volume, so I guess that can also be a factor.
  3. Pancrasio

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Yeah but I think it overshoots. Improvements for MBF21 should stay improvements for MBF21, and for the other things just use zdoom offshoots or whatever. At one point you have to accept the limitations of your engine if you want to map for it, I remember one guy asking for slopes and 3dfloors in the "mbf21 aspirations" threads and I found that completely ridiculous, why do we need to turn mbf21 into zdoom? Just give me better dehacked and fix bugs, the rest leave it as is. As for the other thing, nobody knows how to use Eternity because no one uses it, but it's just a matter of, well, using it. Theres's no need for weird propietary additions or pointless evolution of ports where limitations constitute their charm when it is possible to learn Eternity. I get it that it's starting from scratch somewhat, but these developments prove there was a demand for that kind of thing and an actual reason to get invested with it. As it stands now, id24 is useless and kind of cumbersome.
  4. Pancrasio

    ID24 - a new feature set standard

    Feels kind of pointless, aren't a lot of those features things udmf already does? I get it that gzdoom and whatnot stray from the "vanilla feel" but Hexen format and the Eternity engine exist... And they are free... And open source... And have no ethical discussion around them...
  5. Pancrasio

    UMAPINFO Designer

    Very useful, thank you so much. 3 years have passed and surprisingly this tool isn't that well known (sorry for bump), but it should be.
  6. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Good Morning Phobos

    Maps 5, 12, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 42 are really, really short. Considering secret maps are mostly played together, that map 42 is one of those secret maps, and map 12 leads to the secret exit, it could be set up so maps 12, 41, 42 and 43 are played the same day, 37 through 40 are also played the same day (they are even shorter than the other short maps), map 5 is played the same day as 6 and map 34 is played the same day as 35. It would still be more than 31 days, capping at 35, but I think it's pretty acceptable if the end result isn't too cumbersome or confusing.
  7. Pero qué hijo de puta... ¡Pero si algo quiere decir es que la pegó!
  8. Great map, improves upon perfection.
  9. YES!!!! ABOUT TIME!! I've always thought of kick-starting this one day but I don't know anything about composing midis (nor any kind of music) and I'm not really interested in doing so; much more of a dream (lol) than a reality. So I'm greatful it got to happen. I love to see the cyberdreaming grow... Maybe we should make Cyberdreams 2, who knows. Contact me if that ever happens. For now, I'll be replaying this beautiful wad, now in its truest form...
  10. Pancrasio

    Going Down

    What more can I say that hasn't been said? So good...
  11. Pancrasio

    John Crapper and Biffy Loo head to the can

    Candidate to first Doom videt ever made by the way
  12. Pancrasio

    Doomed Urbex - V2 release!

    ¡Grande Gnomo! Ejemplo de esfuerzo, trabajo y profesionalismo gnomeano contra el estigma de los cazadores de gnomos, gnome hunters, gnomenjägers, cacciatori di gnomi, chasseurs de gnomes y todas sus sucursales a lo largo y ancho del globo...
  13. ¡GRANDE DEVEEEEL! Y GANÓ ESPAÑA LA EUROCOPA CHE, SÉ QUE SOS PORTUGUÉS PERO ME CHUPA UN HUEVO, SALÍ A FESTEJARRR (perdón, me olvidé de comentar antes... Como ya te había dicho, quedó hermosa).
  14. I always play on UV out of habit... Not really any other reason behind it. If a wad is easy it's easy and if it's hard it's hard, if it is too hard I will come back to it later and that's it. If someone complains about something being too hard on UV, that's their problem, simple as that. Not really a problem. If it should be a concern in any way, just recommend a given difficulty in your post. If someone doesn't read it, again, their fault. Should pay a bit more attention I guess. If that is STILL a concern, just make HMP and change nothing for UV. Much more reasonable solutions.