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About Denzel20

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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1506 profile views
  1. Denzel20

    Did you know?...

    Doomkid in the eighth layer of hell 1.5D. (I have nothing against him, but I think Doom is actually 3 divided by 4 D)
  2. Help I'm looking for depeche mode fans Hunted is looking for you to be part of its new video If you are interested in being part Send me a photo of your debit/credit card Front and back next to your full name
  3. Denzel20

    Who are the people in this picture?

    This is my dad toño fox
  4. Denzel20

    Your own "Lost Media"

    I lost my favorite socks a few weeks ago.
  5. Denzel20


  6. Denzel20

    How do you say idgames?

    juegos id
  7. Friends, he thinks we're his bro 🧢💀
  8. Oooh excellent mapo, this looks very good I will try it with dsda doom long live the queen111!!1!111
  9. Denzel20

    What do you think of midnight

    Terrible content or clickbait, or just reading news posts. They're both completely useless, why did I want to listen to some random guy's wish list about what he thinks is going to happen to some franchise? Seriously, why does that type of content generate so many views on YouTube? I don't understand, do people find it surprising in some way? Talking about some news is a little more justifiable, in case I'm too lazy to investigate and I like to be notified when something new happens in the franchise that I like, but what's up when it's all your content? When you make wad videos, at least it's "pretty unique" content and if it's not unique, it at least requires a minimum of effort on your part. Unlike the rest
  10. https://youtu.be/lyJ05Jcfydg?si=YsXHDAw_Ix2gg-Xd