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Aberration Caves.

   (13 reviews)
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About This File

Set in underground caves - this map uses Quake1 textures with a tech base theme with some temple thrown in. There is only one skill level as per usual with all my levels, but it should be do-able in the first attempt.

Remember this is set in a cave... so don't whine about falling in to pits and not having a teleporter there. You deserve to die you clumbsy git!

I would say this is my best level to date. Even more so than "Dark Apparition", if I may be so bold. I have two more Quake1 themed in the pipeline...

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Unknown date

Yeah, quite nice. A little too brown, maybe, but then, that's Quake textures for you.

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Unknown date

This map is hot off the presses, but it feels more than ten years old, especially with all the Quake textures. It's not bad though, just a bit drab, with a simple design that doesn't have much detail, and there are some misaligned textures; I couldn't see any obvious source port features. The gameplay is solid in an old-fashioned way, and not very hard. Even though the author warns us about inescapable pits, I still hates them, my precioussss.

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Unknown date

If you're going to throw that many monsters at me in the end then give me some ammo to fight them with. I hate maps that are stingy with the ammo. Other than that, it's a fair little map with nothing to set it apart from the rest of the pack. Not great but not meh.

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Unknown date

'unmarked secrets' One secret is out in the open and you have to figure out how to get to it and the other is unmarked, but assuming you got to the 1st one then try the switch on the otherside and get rewarded, nothing wrong with that. 'cheapass traps (chainsaw)' You're telling me you jumped to the chainsaw from the water? lol dumbass. 'barons/revs spawning right in your face (BLue key)' I used no teleporting monsters in this map. Had to reply to this dumbass review. -KennyJC

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Unknown date

That was not bad. This level felt like a Quake level. I didn't really like the ending of this level. It felt really anti-climatic for me for some reason. 4/5

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Unknown date

^Well said Dude! Do a remake with more baddies :) 4/5

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Unknown date

It's pretty good, but it didn't wow me. Maybe the caves should have a common theme like tributaries coursing through them, fungus growing on their walls, lava pouring down, etc.. or maybe a part of the facility should have caved in or be a part of the tributary, lava, whatever. I haven't played the whole wad (fell in a hole and died ;) so maybe you took on one of my ideas down the line, but initially it didn't look that way. ^ LoTRs is so overrated, but Smeagal is cOOl ;)

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Unknown date

unmarked secrets, cheapass traps (chainsaw), barons/revs spawning right in your face (BLue key)- I go play something good 0/5

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Unknown date

A very nice subterranean tech base with a Quake theme. Fairly easy even on UV -FAST, although there are a few places where you _have_ to fight. For me personally, I would have liked to see some scripting (or even simple telporting) of more monsters beaming in -- more meat to grind! The Cyberdemon at the end was a little too easy - just jump in the lava and and bounce some pellets of the top of his knapper. It's a bonnie wee map ya ken. 4/5

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Unknown date

Nice Quake style like map! 4/5!-Candle M

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Unknown date

OMG Impressive, brown, sexy and quake style. Not a total masterpiece like the ultimate torment and torture but always appreciable. Good job! 4/5

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