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Stupid Benchmark #1

   (6 reviews)
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About This File

This was originally intended to be a benchmarking wad to compare various doom source ports, but proved to be too computationally expensive regardless of the source port used.

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A quarter of a million monsters in a gigantic flat square room. It is said to be for stress testing source ports (and your PC?), otherwise it's on the other side of crazy. It took my PC nearly two minutes to load the wad (I thought it had crashed) and I took less than two seconds to die. At least it ran - the author says he never even managed that.
The first screenshot has a high viewpoint because an Archvile lifted me. The second shows it in the Eureka editor; seeing only about 4% of the area, and every red square is a heavyweight monster (yellow selecting a caco).  and Doomguy is in the bottom left corner. Eureka was crawling, almost unusable - how did the author even build this?





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Bad King John

Don't even bother. FWIW, it's a vast square room packed shoulder-to-shoulder with millions(?) of monsters. You die in seconds. Slow to load but did run in PrBoom on Linux. Author said it's crap - he shouldn't have uploaded it. Some idiot gave it 5 stars though.

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Completely BS, no gameplay.

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A literal and I mean LITERAL work of art. 5/5

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Utter crap.

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