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Doomworld Maximum Project 2023 - Uploaded!

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I would love to participate in this. I'm putting the final polishing touches on my map 'Blood Processing' right now. I'm going to upload it today at some point.


Edit- the map is complete! 


Map name: Blood Processing

Format: Vanilla

Music: Almost Easy-Avenged Sevenfold midi

Difficulty settings: None

Tested in: gzdoom 

Build time: 3 weeks

Textures: Vanilla





Edited by senpaigru : Map is complete, adding my map!

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8 hours ago, senpaigru said:

I would love to participate in this. I'm putting the final polishing touches on my map 'Blood Processing' right now. I'm going to upload it today at some point.


Edit- the map is complete! 


Map name: Blood Processing

Format: Vanilla

Music: Almost Easy-Avenged Sevenfold midi

Difficulty settings: None

Tested in: gzdoom 

Build time: 3 weeks

Textures: Vanilla


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Just played the map and noticed at the end there was a chaingunner stuck in one of the cliffs

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7 minutes ago, Xybear said:

Just played the map and noticed at the end there was a chaingunner stuck in one of the cliffs


Thanks for the heads up. I just moved them a little and adjusted some things so hopefully that fixes it. 

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1 minute ago, Xybear said:

Just a sneak peak on my map for this project685114654_Lilsneakpeak.png.cb2707acf0637409d4df8e2d8722fb20.png

Reminds me of twilight zone mixed with doom 64. Can't wait to play it.

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@senpaigru I found an unfortunate bug.



This happened to me unexpectantly. There seems to be a linedef (linedef 426) marked as a door activation that causes sector 401 to become inaccessable. I'm pretty sure linedef 426 isn't used for anything (or sector 119). I think a monster somehow crept to the side of the building and somehow activated the door, and due to the direction the line is facing, the outside area is treated like a door, and the rest is history.


There seems to be a lot of linedefs marked to do an action that ended up going unused, as well as some unused sectors. Often times, this can result in something gamebreaking. It'd be best to go through the map once or twice more, and take out any unnecessary action linedefs.




Still a fun experience regardless. Monster balancing and item balancing are pretty well done, which really goes a long way. If I can play my typical game of "avoid hitscanner damage at all costs", then I'm content. Unless of course, you get softlocked.

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55 minutes ago, Dewzan said:

@senpaigru I found an unfortunate bug.


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This happened to me unexpectantly. There seems to be a linedef (linedef 426) marked as a door activation that causes sector 401 to become inaccessable. I'm pretty sure linedef 426 isn't used for anything (or sector 119). I think a monster somehow crept to the side of the building and somehow activated the door, and due to the direction the line is facing, the outside area is treated like a door, and the rest is history.


There seems to be a lot of linedefs marked to do an action that ended up going unused, as well as some unused sectors. Often times, this can result in something gamebreaking. It'd be best to go through the map once or twice more, and take out any unnecessary action linedefs.




Still a fun experience regardless. Monster balancing and item balancing are pretty well done, which really goes a long way. If I can play my typical game of "avoid hitscanner damage at all costs", then I'm content. Unless of course, you get softlocked.

Oh man that sucks lol. I'll fix it now and double check all my lines and sectors. Sorry about that but thank you for playing and letting me know! 


edit-combined a tons of sectors and cleaned up the lines. i think i found the specific linedef that was causing the issue but im hoping i squashed it. just updated the file on my original link so should be good moving forward.

Edited by senpaigru

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On 7/24/2023 at 12:12 AM, fishy said:

Here's my finalized entry.

The map's name is Blood Masters, it's made to be map01, but that can easily be changed in the mapinfo to suit whatever map number it can be, it shouldn't cause any issues.

A Doom 2 map in the UMDF format, tested with gzdoom 4.8.0

No custom textures

Music is a midi version of In the wind from Megaman ZX Advent made by King meteor on vgmusic, and a midi version made by John J. Holden of the song Oh l'amour by the band Erasure. I included a full credits file with more details in a text file named "CREDITS" inside the wad, you can check it out with Slade3.

It has difficulty settings, so people playing in anything under ultra violence will find a bit less demons and a bit more ammo scattered across the level.


I tried to keep software renderer users in mind, so the map plays and looks just fine for people using software rendering and no mouselook, i think that's a great way to not allienate players who are accustommed to their doom looking a particular way. The map also has many secrets and even a full blown easter egg room. I hope you find them all!!!


EDIT: I had uploaded the wrong file because i'm very stupid, so here's the right one. It was missing all the difficulty adjustements before. I also added some pictures.


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Blood Masters.7z


fishy, i just played your map and thought it was really awesome. great job!

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3 hours ago, senpaigru said:


fishy, i just played your map and thought it was really awesome. great job!

aw thank you homie!

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On 11/19/2023 at 11:40 PM, Li'l devil said:

If you asked me even a month ago if I'd ever make another Doom map, I'd say "most likely no", but here we go. I made this in just a week. It's very short, but I didn't have many ideas to begin with.


Name: Bunker of Death

Format: limit-removing

Midi: 煉獄庭園 - 悪魔崇拝者-AkumaSuhaisha- (very obscure Japanese royalty free midi music lol)

Play time: like, 3 minutes

Tested: Crispy Doom 6.0.0

Resources: Cage textures and Noir textures.

Time took to make: 7 days.


Update to my map. In my previous upload, my map had default 192 brightness everywhere, so in this updated version I added some brightness variation to make it look 1% better. :)




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27 minutes ago, Li'l devil said:

Update to my map. In my previous upload, my map had default 192 brightness everywhere, so in this updated version I added some brightness variation to make it look 1% better. :)




Pretty fun map. Reminds me of Machete map3

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On 10/8/2023 at 4:34 AM, JaySmithen said:

Howdy, I just realized I have not posted any screenshots of my map here yet. So I'm here to fix that :) I still have a fair bit of work to do but I hope to "finish" it this month or at least before the end of the year ;) As always I'm going to keep poking it with a stick until the deadline is up :)
Name: The Abhorration Beneath Taintborne Keep

Format: GZDoom UDMF

Midi: "My First Midi" by Aaron Russell Bowtell (JaySmithen)
Play Time: About half an hour

Tested In: GZDoom 4.10

Resources: OTEX1.1 - Yellow torches and a green skull key from Realm667

Download: JaySmithen_DMP2023_v1.zip



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I absolutely loved this map. The way you get the last key was really cool and the map plays really well. Good work!

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Hey quick question: Do we get to choose what slot our map(s) are for? I mean I don't mind if you choose it for us but just wondering


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Yeah, I have this question too. I want my map to be in one of the earliest slots (if not the 1st one), because it's rather easy in terms of difficulty (I suppose).

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Finished! (and Fixed)

Map name: Flipside
Format: GZDoom

Midi: Day of Mourning
Tested in: GZDoom
Build Time: 1 Week
Custom Textures: 5, 3 from plutonia, 1 from pl2, 1 (the sky) from HR
Enjoy <3





Edited by Xybear

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I loved how your map always subverts expectations, and always pulls off the unexpected. There was a large variety of theming throughout the level that never overstays its welcome, and the difficulty was pretty dynamic and well balanced. The red key fight really caught me off guard with everything that was happening, and no part of the map felt unfair.


I discovered 5 softlocks in total, all of them in the yellow key path. Four of them are jumping around the linedefs that instantly raise up invisible pits in the ground, and the other one was taking the teleporter pad before triggering another invisible pit (destination is after linedef trigger). Also, several invisible pits aren't low enough to cut enemy line of sight, so they can see you before they get revealed.


@Li'l devil 



I played your level several times until I could master it. Did a UV-Max in 1:03, and it was fun to do. I think that some more health would be nice, just in case some idiot shoots a barrel behind you (which did happen).


I also cannot get over how it is just BARELY not possible to jump onto the green crate by the blue key door. Tried for 10 minutes, and no luck. You can get it with jumping, but that feels like cheating. You can do it using a rocket jump, but there's no rocket launcher. You can even get it with just crouching, which is something I've never seen. It still feels like you can make the jump without either of those options, but I have lost all hope. (if only the ceiling was raised by just 4 units...)



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23 minutes ago, Dewzan said:


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I loved how your map always subverts expectations, and always pulls off the unexpected. There was a large variety of theming throughout the level that never overstays its welcome, and the difficulty was pretty dynamic and well balanced. The red key fight really caught me off guard with everything that was happening, and no part of the map felt unfair.


I discovered 5 softlocks in total, all of them in the yellow key path. Four of them are jumping around the linedefs that instantly raise up invisible pits in the ground, and the other one was taking the teleporter pad before triggering another invisible pit (destination is after linedef trigger). Also, several invisible pits aren't low enough to cut enemy line of sight, so they can see you before they get revealed.



@Dewzan Thanks, I'll try to fix that right now, but could you explain how you jumped over the pits? I just did it and they raised as normal. Do you mean archvile jumping across the massive imp ambush?


Edited by Xybear

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@Xybear I think a screenshot can demonstrate this the best.




In the image, the path curves inward, so you can briefly jump off the path, and land back on, and you would bypass the linedefs that raise the platform. If you continued afterward, you would fall in the pit with the imps, and you couldn't escape. Same thing happens with the four other pits (including the soulsphere secret), though the imp pit is the easiest to softlock on. The solution is to make the other linedefs on the sides also raise the platform, so you couldn't just bypass the trigger. Hope this helps :)

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21 minutes ago, Dewzan said:

@Xybear I think a screenshot can demonstrate this the best.

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In the image, the path curves inward, so you can briefly jump off the path, and land back on, and you would bypass the linedefs that raise the platform. If you continued afterward, you would fall in the pit with the imps, and you couldn't escape. Same thing happens with the four other pits (including the soulsphere secret), though the imp pit is the easiest to softlock on. The solution is to make the other linedefs on the sides also raise the platform, so you couldn't just bypass the trigger. Hope this helps :)

Thx for explaining, fixed it. My original post should have the updated version

Edited by Xybear

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On 11/24/2023 at 4:54 AM, Xybear said:

Hey quick question: Do we get to choose what slot our map(s) are for? I mean I don't mind if you choose it for us but just wondering



Maps are sorted by format and then ordered by submission date: considering the more loose structure of this project (as well as the fact that there's a hub in GZDoom that lets you access all the maps), there isn't really consideration for a difficulty curve.

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9 hours ago, Obsidian said:


Maps are sorted by format and then ordered by submission date: considering the more loose structure of this project (as well as the fact that there's a hub in GZDoom that lets you access all the maps), there isn't really consideration for a difficulty curve.

Oh ok thanks for the clarification 

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My submission.


>Map name: Grotesque Demonic Lair
>Made with Doom 2 resources.
>UDMF with some scripting (mostly 3D floors and some walls that shoot projectiles in loop)

>Difficulty settings: yes
>Overall Difficulty: I'd say 6.5/10 

>Jump and crouch are not allowed
>Map type: action packed but not a slaughter map. It's very explorative and interconnected. Sections can be visited in different orders.
>Tested in GZDoom 4.10.0 and 4.8.0
>Playtime: 25-35 minutes in UV.  Unless you are TheV1perK1ller, who will probably UVmax it in like 2 seconds.
>Made with Ultimate Doom Builder

I hope you guys enjoy it. I made this months ago, I revised it today and wanted to add it to this project. I appreciate any feedback you can give me. 

>Download V.2.0: https://mega.nz/file/75dzVKpY#G0YXC2nYBxwcMJAQT4qDswEvOQmcRTbhuuQ1PbAtbJ4


@Obsidian File updated


Sneak peek:




Edited by DoomRevolver

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Alright, I think I'm ready to ship this baby out. Unless there are major game-breaking bugs experienced, or there are formatting mistakes I forgot to fix in Slade*, I believe my entry is suitable for submission. With that said, here is my entry info:


Map name: Paradise up above


Format: Boom V2.02 compatible (I suggest using GLBoom+ or ZDoom derived ports, it's a little buggy in software mode)

Playtime: about 30 minutes


Lots of textures lifted from Eviternity/OTEX
CHIC, GOLD, WHITE textures by Dragonfly
Sky texture, sand, and a few other resources taken from Ray Mohawk 2
Much of the flora taken from Lost Civilization by Jaska





Download: Paradise up above.zip


* @Obsidian If textures need to be more clearly organized and named, I will do so, even if it means completely retexturing my map. Fingers crossed I won't but be sure to let me know. 


I think that's everything. Have fun!

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Well, since the deadline is now less than a month away and I haven't gotten much more feedback, I guess I'll just post the updated version of my level now.



  • Nodes are now built with ZenNode. The previous version used ZDBSP.
  • Moved the rockets in one secret area closer in so that they can't be picked up in an unintended way.
  • A harmless floor that used the brown liquid flat has been changed to use a more clearly harmless flat.
  • A few Barons were replaced with Hell Knights.

Download: TribulationFacilityV2.wad

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@Melodic Spaceship I enjoyed your map, I liked the Cyber Demon and Mastermind fights, however I think you should clearly telegraph to the player that there's a blue key door at the beginning because I was lost and had to open the editor to find it, also having those yellow Skull keys behind bars makes it impossible to get 100% items. But once again, good map man (PS: You do a killer Pentagram)1087468482_Prettygoodpentagram.png.35df56cbb1d89c98e6ffbbc7274a59d2.png

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Alright, after extensive cleanup (basically cut the sector count in half!) I'm posting the "final" submission of my map, The Black Lodge, pending external playtesting so feel free to give it a shot! Please let me know what you think. This was quite an undertaking for me - I was completely new to mapping when I started this map, and I've done quite a bit of mapping since this map, so I'm sure parts of it show my inexperience. That being said, I'm overall happy with how it turned out and I'm excited for others to try it out :)


Here's the original post that I'll edit to include the submission file: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2693981


Also, added some additional enhancements - a major one being this creepy flesh cathedral that closes the map. Enjoy!




Edited by stochastic

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@stochastic My review of The Black Lodge. Played on UV Difficulty.



The best part of this map is hands down the visuals. Every area is very unique and distinguishable, and you were very creative with making cool atmosphere throughout the whole level.


Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, but I found that I soon wasn't really enjoying the map as much as I wanted to. I don't think the difficulty was handled in the best way, and the map felt unfair at times. Mainly due to too many archviles out in the open throughout the entire level, and the fake walls in the blood labyrinth blocking where cyberdemons and archviles are. I did play on UV, and I understand that it's meant to be a challenge, but it seems like it's designed in a way where you get completely wrecked if you don't immediately know what's about to happen. On many occasions, you instantly get surrounded by an archvile and a ton of enemies, and some of those times you don't know where you are, or how to respond unless you know beforehand what will happen. In my opinion, the worse example of this is the blood library room where the floor rises to the ceiling. If you don't know where the exit is in time, you just lose by getting softlocked.


Speaking of softlocks, the blood library room is a cause for 4 different softlocks. Softlock #2, if you go inside the pinky demon chamber in that same room, you will also get softlocked. Softlock #3, if you don't press the switch in that same room, the invisible bridge to the yellow key won't lower, and you can't go back to get the switch. Softlock #4, if you open the flesh pillars without accessing the invisible bridge, you can fall between the invisible bridge and the ledge and you're stuck forever.


TLDR; This was quite a massive feat to do for your first ever map, and I think that visually, it's one of the best I've ever seen. The biggest weakness is how the enemies are handled though. Too many archviles and cyberdemons seem like they are spammed out in the open, and aren't used very cleverly, so it feels unfair for someone playing for the first time. I think the blood library room just needs a complete rehaul, because it's a cause for so many issues, including the teleport into another fight that feels unfair to the player. Lastly, blood floors don't need to damage the player, unless it's a large pit you shouldn't fall in. It doesn't really support the level in any way. I understand that there must have been a lot of hard work into this, and I was very excited to try it out at first. The good news is that the map has a ton of potential for improvement if some of the encounters were more friendly to blind players. Best of luck for your future maps :)


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2 hours ago, Dewzan said:

@stochastic My review of The Black Lodge. Played on UV Difficulty.


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TLDR; This was quite a massive feat to do for your first ever map, and I think that visually, it's one of the best I've ever seen. The biggest weakness is how the enemies are handled though. Too many archviles and cyberdemons seem like they are spammed out in the open, and aren't used very cleverly, so it feels unfair for someone playing for the first time. I think the blood library room just needs a complete rehaul, because it's a cause for so many issues, including the teleport into another fight that feels unfair to the player. Lastly, blood floors don't need to damage the player, unless it's a large pit you shouldn't fall in. It doesn't really support the level in any way. I understand that there must have been a lot of hard work into this, and I was very excited to try it out at first. The good news is that the map has a ton of potential for improvement if some of the encounters were more friendly to blind players. Best of luck for your future maps :)


Thanks for playing through it, Dewzan! I definitely appreciate it, as well as your honest feedback. I think all your criticisms are completely legitimate and exactly what I need to hear in order for me to improve on gameplay/combat. 


That in mind, before the due date I'll work on modifying the encounters to be less hostile to first time players in the following ways:

  • Removing the softlock possibilities you mentioned, namely by having the blood library fill only to the point of the escape passage floor, and then ensuring the switch that lowers the invisible bridge can always be pressed
  • Removing or replacing some of the AVs with different enemies, namely in the big arena fight and "Black Lodge" (blood labrynth) sections
  • Reducing number of cyberdemons overall
  • Removing fake walls in Black Lodge. Normally I would never use fake walls or place enemies behind them, but I guess in this case I got too caught up in the theme. The blood walls are meant to emulate curtains, so going through the fake wall portion is like passing through the opening of the curtain. Doesn't lead to very fun gameplay, though I realize :)
  • Removing some enemies in general, particularly toward the beginning of the map before you acquire the rocket launcher or plasma gun.
  • Removing floor damage from blood floors that the player is expected to traverse over.

I'd love if you'd be open to playing it again after I've made these changes, because I really appreciate your feedback. I'll get to work!

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