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About EffinghamHuffnagel

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  1. EffinghamHuffnagel

    TNT : Overcharged 1.0 Boom WAD - Ready To play -

    Yeah, I just got that too. I compared MAP01 to the previous release and found that sector tag 10 was merged with other sectors and lost its tag. Same for sector tag 32. Landing spots (things) #62 and #181.
  2. EffinghamHuffnagel

    Traumatism [Doom 2 Episode Replacement]

    OP link still downloads 7-map version.
  3. I just saw this on the archives and downloaded. Wanted to see if there were any major changes, as I had just started playing the last release, 1.2.0, so I opened both LEV wads in Slade to compare. I was also hoping maybe a MAP24 had been added last minute. Not only was there still no MAP24, now MAP25 was also missing and a slightly different second version of MAP21 was in its location. What the heck happened?
  4. EffinghamHuffnagel

    [RC3] Plutonic Visions - Vanilla Plutonia megawad

    Geez Louise, this was hard! A lot harder then I remember Plutonia being. A lot more damaging floors and forced runs through damaging liquids than I remember in Plutonia, too. Well designed, though. Dense. More stuff than I expected packed into some smaller maps. Using ZDoom. Found two things. --- MAP05 - A Manc in the tag 14 pit below ground. I don't think the pit was deep enough. He saw me going to the tag 13 switch and activated. I randomly saw just the top of his head moving around. Probably could have killed him from there with enough ammo. --- MAP17 - One Arachnotron never teleported in. ZDoom issue. Tag 10 teleport line is 72 units from wall. Arachno radius is 64. Radius+1 has to cross teleport line in ZDoom for monsters to teleport. I don't think its AI allows it to get that close to a wall unless it's forced. Moving the S wall a bit farther should fix that. --- I hate inescapable deathpits and there were more than I would have liked, but since it's kind of a 'Plutonia Squared' increase in difficulty, I guess it does what you intended. Maybe I'll try this again on lower difficulty.
  5. EffinghamHuffnagel

    [RC3] Plutonic Visions - Vanilla Plutonia megawad

    Holy crap! If I counted right, this is the 14th full megawad that's either released, gone into RC, or updated this month, plus a new 3/4 full DBP! I just finished Scorching Earth and started Doomium2. I'm overwhelmed. Where will I find the time? It is Plutonia. I must make time for this. Edit: I read the first line as '32 map'. My bad. Still holy crap, though!
  6. EffinghamHuffnagel

    (The Ultimate) Return to Hadron (IDgames)

    I don't normally do congrats posts because I'd just feel like a fanboy, in awe of the quality of work of so many people, but I have to give you this one. It's been almost 12 years since you first released cbspeed, the first episode of what became 'ConC.E.R.Ned', and now 'Ultimate Return to Hadron'. I've been Absolutely Positively Ultimately Concerned, following it for most of that time. Big congrats, dude. Talk about your epic journey!
  7. Just downloaded this from the archive. Can't extract the wad. The file is corrupt.
  8. EffinghamHuffnagel

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    Nice. Enjoyed playing the first two. Looked through the textures in the resource wad. Noticed SW1BRIK1 was wrong. It's slightly out of focus and looks like it was converted from a jpg instead of the original png.
  9. EffinghamHuffnagel


    Stuck on MAP12, RC4d. When you open the tag 10 bars and step through the opening, the door closes behind you (or in front of you, if you step through and back up quickly). The door has no tag, so there's no remote switch to open it and it's tagged on both sides as WR OpenClose, not SR. Did I miss something?
  10. EffinghamHuffnagel


    Just started this. Like it. You should add SECRETMESSAGE = "Se revela un secreto!"; to the Language lump. Edit: Just got to MAP04. I found two more messages that can't be added to Dehacked because they were added by Boom later, and so need to be added to Language. Note: I'm using ZDoom. Found all these in ZDoom.pk3 in Language.enu. PD_ALL3O = "Requiere las tres llaves para activarlo"; PD_ALL6O = "Requiere las seis llaves para activarlo";
  11. EffinghamHuffnagel

    Farstaži - Development

    I wasn't exactly sure either. Googling, found this: ž is pronounced like in “Version.” š is pronounced like in “Short.” č is pronounced like in “Czech.”
  12. EffinghamHuffnagel

    [BOOM] - Carnage On Command (v.1.12)

    Pretty good. But no, the Red Key bars are not fixed. You still need to remove all the W1 actions on the bars themselves and let just the voodoo dolls control them. It's still possible to get softlocked inside the room or outside of the room without the key and no way to continue. I like the three-switch secret, but it seems a lot of work for an SSG and a Backpack. Maybe swap the SSG and the Rocket Launcher or replace it with a Plasma Gun and Cells, since you have Barons and AVs in the map. Otherwise, solid map.
  13. Did you put the right file into the zip? It's exactly the same as the RC1c wad released 3 weeks ago.
  14. What serendipitous timing. I was just looking for something to play. CWILV19 is 'Trapier'; Dehacked is 'Trappier'. Not sure which was intended.
  15. EffinghamHuffnagel

    [Final release] “Hell's Bane” - an Ult Doom megawad

    Finally finished this. There are some people who make maps that are just fun to play and you're one of them. I've always liked your maps. Really enjoyed this. Found an actual bug, but it's not automatic. Also a spot that might need to be adjusted, I think. ------- E3M2 ------- The Baron wandered into the tag 24 teleport. The landing spot is 56 units high, and, since Barons are 64 units high, it couldn't move or attack. Became an easy telefrag. ------- E3M7 ------- I never walk across the middle of large empty rooms. I played too many D&D Thieves in college. So in the SE room, I hugged the wall, got to the tag 84 switch to open the door, and kept hugging the wall to exit the room. I never triggered the tag 89 bars to close or raised the tag 83 monsters, so I fell into the monster pit past the tag 81 door. Neither of these are automatic, so maybe just make note of them if more things come up that need to be addressed.