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About Koros

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  1. Koros

    ZTDM Ends

    Meh... I lost interest after not being able to find anyone to be partnered up with. Regardless, best of luck to the teams that are playing.
  2. Are the caps instant? Or does it take time to capture a control point? Id like to see a more TF2 style approach to control point based maps, with a game timer and a timed capture of a point. (Like the more teammates on the point the faster it caps.) But that may be just me. ;) Cool release though, I may jump on a server that will be hosting this from doomseeker sometime in the near future.
  3. https://i.imgur.com/7dcynmd.jpg Anyone on here play? I have been pretty hooked on it for the last few months. I have gotten lucky lately with some decent servants. So far I have Emiya Archer (lvl 50), Altera Saber (lvl 50) Francis Drake Rider (lvl 25). And some other high level 3 star servants. Not sure how many of you play on here, but if you do. What are your best servants and friend code? My friend code is: 994,753,191 Edit: This is completely unrelated but can someone tell me what I am doing wrong to not be able to link pictures from my imgur links?
  4. Koros

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    Anyone have this version of Shadow Mavericks Multiaplayer Mod? Its just the core file I need. "SMMP_Core_r669.pk7" http://shadowmavericks.com/#/files/Doom/SMMP Link on page does not work and I have had no luck in my searches. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. "I am the bone of my sword
    Steel is my body and fire is my blood
    I have created over a thousand blades
    Unknown to death
    Nor known to life
    Have withstood pain to create many weapons
    Yet those hands will never hold anything
    So, as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works." - Archer

    1. esselfortium


      Well, it's basically gibberish.

    2. Koros


      yes, but its cool gibberish.

  6. Favorite waifu?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomkid


      ^The Disco Cannon gets two big thumbs up!

    3. SuperCupcakeTactics


      Rena Ryuugu from the Higurashi seriesssss

    4. Mayomancer


      Kagyuu Juubei from Nejimaki Kagyuu, probably

  7. Koros

    Favourite Doom box art

    https://imgur.com/MSZopof The first Doom's box art is the best. So memorable.
  8. Koros

    What's Doomguy like in your mind?

    I imagine he's just some nerd that just want to get back to somewhere with internet to watch his favorite anime. The only reason hes even doing all this, is so he can find out what happens next time on Dragon Ball Z!
  9. I just finished the TC Zan Zan. Short, but cool. I really enjoyed it.

  10. Koros

    Aaron "DemonSphere" Emge has passed

    Sad to hear this. Rest in peace.
  11. Koros

    Why are slaughter maps looked down upon?

    It's an opinion much like your suggestion of not liking not playing. I personally think they are pretty terrible as well. To me its like seeing a little kid's desire to feel likes he's killing everything and lots of it... All the while being in god mode or playing with OP mods like Russian Overkill an the like. (or both.) Seriously though, MOST people cannot beat one playing vanilla doom with no cheats. Even experienced players that can. To me, its like.... So what? Its a bullshit .wad. Its like being proud you played through a terry wad. Don't get me wrong though. I love killing lots of monsters in Doom as well. In either a Huge map that has them spaced out into segments and NOT shove you into a room with lines full of revs, cybers, barrons, and chaingunners. Or in a megawad map set that had some progressions as you get further and further into the wad. The later levels will have what will feel like a "Slaughtermap" but you should be prepared making it that far. (Equipment wise mostly, but a little skill as well.)
  12. Koros

    No-Save November

    What wad?
  13. Koros

    ZTDM - 2v2 TeamDeathmatch Tournament

    Team players: Open at the moment, but I do not mind who end up paired with. Team name: Since I don't really care I will borrow paired partner's tag. (Whatever it may be) Availability: Pretty much anytime on Sundays or Mondays. Tues-Sat I would be available really late at night. Like 1am late. (U.S. Eastern time)