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Status Updates posted by Biz!

  1. thinking about starting over

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Biz!


      i made this account in middle school and i did some regrettable things, just wanna wipe it clean, y' know

    3. soss


      oh. Well, I wish you the best with your new account!

    4. 8088mph
  2. i'm tired of people antagonizing me because i look at the grey in everything, or because i'm something that they don't like, or because of a mistakes i admitted to that's constantly held over my head, or because i have shown interest in something. i don't know what i wanna be, what i wanna do, i know what I wanna do. become a computer engineer and start a company. where do i start, all that i can find is stuff on software engineering but i want to know hardware engineering too. why do ebay sellers shoot up the price of an old computer while it also being not functional, dirty, missing something, or shown in a youtube video. i hate living in conservative texas, i'm a gay teen yet i can't be open because i have subconsciously absorbed their 'act gay to be straight' personality and all my past shit and current personality is just plain creepy, not like they'd accept me in the first place. i explore my sexuality in middle school, it's held over my head, i explore my religion, held over my head. i'm so fucking done with it but i know suicide isn't the answer so i just live with it??? i don't know, i'm lost and my parents aren't any help. i have nowhere to turn to except the internet yet it is possibly the shittiest place to be raised on.

  3. romero is the only person to pull off "see you in hell" without it sounding rude



  5. installing windows 11, wish me luck

    1. Biz!


      this shit takes too long

    2. Taw Tu'lki

      Taw Tu'lki

      Biz? Biz kimiz?

  6. i've recently become more fascinated with politics, and the worst people i argue with are the "2 gender" folks.

    they don't try to expose themselves to new opinions, they're reactionaries, they know they're wrong, they just want to see people get mad at them not listening and make them look like the bad-guy, or the dumb-guy in an argument.

    trolling is so 2015, it's not funny anymore

    1. Biz!


      if you DON'T act like the people i described, even if you believe in the 2 gender debate, i can't NOT respect you

  7. Hey, to respond to what you said. you're right, I could've worded it closer to my thoughts, stereotyping something that people do based off of past experiences is bad. It just gets me frustrated when people say the same three things about doom 3 over and over again. I see where you're coming from and hope to use this as a future example and me to improve


    1. TheMagicMushroomMan


      It's okay Biz, I'm sure I've probably made the same kind of post before. It probably wasn't necessary for me to even reply to that post you made because you weren't singling out a specific person anyway. Most of the time when I see people say "you haven't even played it", they're trying to shut down the conversation by calling the other person a liar, but that's far from what you were doing. I don't know if you're a Zelda fan, but I had someone use that argument against me not too long ago when I said that the depths area lacks unique content, which is a better example of why it bothers me. There have definitely been times where it's obvious that someone hasn't played/watched something that they're complaining about, and it's usually in cases where the person is parrotting the same common complaints other people have made, so I can understand where you're coming from. Based on that thread, some people hate Doom 3 more than I realized and I could definitely point to some posts that came after yours as ones that are more deserving of criticism lol. Thank you for responding to me though, I appreciate it and I could have worded my post better as well.

  8. what if i made another generic wolfenstein-in-doom thing but i remake cut content like the "hitler youth" enemy and other various things

  9. the longer i stay on doomworld the longer i realize that people here aren't necessarily trying to be the nicest (including me at one point) and that posts (hid the name, good luck finding it!!1!1!) like these are a bit common:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Biz!


      yes, i know, however the op of the thread joined last month, and this is probably not the best first impression for the forum.

    3. Redneckerz


      I am sure the forum is as concerned about it as you are.
      Lets be honest here, a myriad of these questions can be resolved by searching. Yes, i know my dedication to this button is a meme at this point, but it baffles me how little it remains used.


      And then we have as you know those newbie users making joke wads or joke threads, which are a dime a dozen.

    4. Biz!


      yeah, i guess you're right, i've seen those joke wads and threads.

  10. image.png.1994d0fb087928511aa430b747dd05fd.png

    1. WorldMachine


      Now THIS, is a game library!

    2. Biz!


      needs the rest of the FNAF series, some more apogee games, the build games, and the rest of the Postal series.

    3. Wadmodder Shalton

      Wadmodder Shalton

      Sadly, you can't get Postal III on Steam due to the DRM problems, but it's being sold on the Zoom Platform without the DRM.

  11. tried experimenting with tandy-style doom graphics, 16-color 160x100 is not appropriate for doom, 640x200 4-color or 320x200 custom 4-color maybe, but not tandy.

    1. TheShep


      i actually had a tandy before my first PC, back in like 91 or sumn.

  12. bruh this parlo dude got some deep shit like doxxing and pedophilia too deep to stop digging now ig


    1. WorldMachine


      Bro tf wrong with the roblox community nowadays, it's really sad...

  13. Here it is, got an extra mouse, Microsoft business software, and two printers too, Hiding them in a box though.


  14. i have a tandy 1000rl now, pirated a bunch of games using floppies :3

  15. does anybody have an archived version of zokumbsp.cfg i can use for doom builder? I don't think zennode is good

    1. zokum


      What's wrong with using the config from Zennode? Personally I just build maps on a Linux VM / machine and use command line parameters.

  16. image.png.288fb38cef5ef3c9afd54ae2b1c158ef.pngHELP ME IT'S USING THE DUMMY TEXTURE BUT NOT THE RSKY1 TEXTURE AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Biz!


      I'm using Woof 10.5.1 win64, i'll try a later version of woof and update y'all on it.  

    3. Biz!


      Trying it on 11.3.0 doesn't solve the problem,

    4. Biz!


      i fixed it by using removing the R from RSKY1, you can imagine my anger.

  17. the new midnight video is a C- at best lol

    1. OceanMadman


      He seems like a cool dude but his videos give me sooo much cringe at times.

    2. Biz!


      making a video reacting to it now, gonna keep it at a 7 minute maximum lol

    3. Biz!


      new thumbnail just dropped, y'all


  18. I got softlocked in marathon ( first one using aleph one ) fuckkkkkk

    1. Al-Faris M

      Al-Faris M

      I don't remember getting softlocked in Marathon 1 at all, which level did that occur?
      I heard that they're quite prevalent in Marathon.

    2. Biz!


      It happened on The Rose in this area


  19. second new pfp still sucks, keeping the older one

  20. what the hell is a blake stone

  21. bro you're like a super lurker, 7 year old account but first post on a fairly recent wad, that's honestly pretty cool

  22. make another post i miss you chex honey 🥺

  23. Please come back 🥺

  24. hooray goodbye stupid bee and hello boykisser meme
