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About Cinnamon

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    Silly Chicken

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  1. Ah, I remember I got confused about whether to use cl2 or cl9 for this, but don't remember the reason. I will redo it at some point. Thanks!
  2. Cinnamon


    It's a good-looking map that requires some spatial thinking and makes some use of being "a ZDoom map." It did not have to be that, but it elected to (not surprising given its release date) but I'd rather wish it didn't, since the few times it actually comes up it feels jarring. And while the environment is memorable, and the references are well-crafted and not too on the nose, the combat is as often lackluster as it's enticing, only the outdoor arena towards the end is somewhat memorable. Worth a play for sure, but not worth replaying once beaten.
  3. Not sure if someone's commented this already, but I'd rather see Sandy do the entirety of DOOM 2. With ample time to set the atmosphere. A full one-author version of the original DOOM feels more like it belongs to either Romero (Sigil feels more like Hell++) or Tom Hall. Though for the OG devs my personal wish is for a Romero D2 Megawad, in whatever theme he would choose. Back to the original question: Erik Alm, BPRD, Mark Klem
  4. Cinnamon

    good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once

    With the risk of mentioning stuff that's already been mentioned (I also won't claim to have an original palate): Alien Vendetta Eviternity Icarus: Vanguard Hell Revealed TNT: Revilution
  5. Hope spamming in this thread is okay, because I'm posting the third time in a row now. :P And I have 8 demos here... All Community Chest 2, Maps 1-10 excepting maps 5 and 6 (will hopefully do them later). c201m153.zip c202m613.zip c203m506.zip c204m2346.zip c207m1934.zip c208m1927.zip c209m246.zip c210m438.zip
  6. Grove UV-Max in 16:18. gr01m1618.zip
  7. Think it's supposed to go here; Decade UV Max in 50 minutes (50:00.25 if I understood gametics correctly). Note it's a ZDoom map, hence why this was run on GZDoom. de01m5000.zip
  8. Cinnamon

    Recommended way to submit GZDoom demos

    Alrighty, thanks for the info. :) Wasn't sure if that was enough considering the changing demon format. Now I've just got to beat Decade, it's tougher than it seems, jumping notwithstanding.
  9. Hello! Wasn't sure where to put this. Feel more than free to reprimand me in the right direction. I'm playing through Decade, an oldie from the 2000s, and it's one of those WADs that assumes GZDoom. Namely, jumping is required in a few places (at least to max the level). I was wondering how to submit demos of this to DSDA, or if that's even "legal"? I'm asking because of GZDoom's non-compatibility of the demo format, plus that I couldn't find the WAD in question on DSDA. Even so my question is about cases like these in general. Is it enough to put the GZDoom version in the .txt, or is there any other info required (such as launch command or a config file or whatnot)? Not sure if relevant, but I'm not really a speedrunner/time chaser; I'm mostly just a UV maxer who'd like the demos of levels I beat published. Thanks!
  10. At OP: I don't think they'll ruin the game really. I compare the new DOOMs to whatever else Bethesda publishes and they're leagues better. I'm more just personally agonizing over whether or not I should give them my money.
  11. Cinnamon

    What if ID went low tech, for a bit.

    I agree on this for sure. I don't mind what they're doing with the new DOOMs. Hell I really enjoyed 2016 and I rarely enjoy modern games. Sure they're a bit tied to the DOOM IP, so eventually they'd be better of with their own thing. Still DOOM doesn't come with as many strings attached as most IPs. At least new Id still really seems to care about the gameplay. A lot of the high end stuff seems more focused on graphics and story and I don't care about that in the slightest if the gameplay is subpar. True creativity though? My feeling, ever since the likes of Binding of Isaac, Cave Story et.c. has been that the indie scene covers all my true gamer needs and then some. And the droves of PWADs around do this as well despite using such an "old" engine. It would be cool if the money could marry creativity but I think that only happens rarely nowadays. It's a very different age.
  12. Cinnamon

    maps that broke you, for better or for worse!

    Hell Revealed. (Pistol start uv max) MAP23 - Ascending to the Starts. I save scummed the chain gunners. The rest was legit. MAP24 - Post Mortem. Almost broke me but I beat it spending some 6 hours on it. MAP26 - Afterlife. I quit on this one. Mostly burned out by the two already mentioned.
  13. ❤️ - Archvile. 🖕 - Spider Mastermind.
  14. Cinnamon

    Are you an active DoomWorld Playtester?

    Please take me off the playtester list. I am still willing, but several times over a few years now I've promised to play authors' maps, only to have my personal life get in the way - and in true rude introvert fashion I've reacted with radio silence. I'm not in a stable enough state to be a good playtester. Sidenote: apologies to all whom I've given promise. I sincerely hope your efforts have been rewarding, and that I played little to no role in hindering them. Best regards, Cinnamon
  15. Cinnamon

    Project AUQIPONING's E1M9

    Hey! I UV-maxed it yesterday (no saves if that matters) after 3-4 attempts. Solo, which is why I bring it up, because the map fits into an Ultimate DOOM slaughter style but your post indicates it was for co-op. The only stronger opinion I have off the bat is that I didn't interpret the exit as an exit, and since I currently do demos of all my map runs I sat there with my hands in the air, lacking 100% and having to redo it. xD A more minor comment is that DOOM1-restrictions on a sluaghterish map means maaany barons or many cacos... However, as a break map this works alright, but could do with some encounter variety. Anyway, fun enough to play, got the encounter timings/pulse down quite right, but visually pretty standard (add more height difference maybe?)