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Matt Eldrydge

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About Matt Eldrydge

  • Rank
    I like concrete

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  1. Matt Eldrydge

    Doom 64 Commando with belt (Reworked)

    Bad English.
  2. Finished my map, so I'm crossposting it from the project's Discord server. Link for those who'd like to try it. Slot: 05 Map name: Coldspot Midi: Rompi, by Ribbiks Difficulty: Medium Commentary: This floor seems to be have been abandoned mid-construction. It's cold. Entrance: Lift Exit: Teleporter All difficulties and co-op stuff implemented. Solo-net is pretty hard, but it should hopefully be fun in co-op.
  3. @Fun-E Personn Just a heads up, I already started my map. It starts with a voodoo lift that pushes the player into the map proper.
  4. Yeah, basically I wanna play D4T but I can't think of any WAD I know that is designed around jumping and verticality. I know there's some Brutal Doom-focused projects built around that but since I barely check that side of the modding scene, I don't really know much about it. Any help's greatly appreciated!
  5. Matt Eldrydge

    Disaster Jester: Classified - Bloodshed and Bubblegum

    Here's that showcase I promised: The mod's even more fun than I imagined and the nano defib is a stroke of genius, just like everything else in the mod. Will use this for a playthrough soon-ish, keep up the good work!
  6. Sounds cool, I'll take floor 05 and call it Firebreak. Currently busy with another WAD around 40% completion but I'll try sandwiching it if I ever get bored or feel the dreaded burnout specter rear its ugly head once more. I'll join the Discord sooner or later too.
  7. Matt Eldrydge

    Soundscapes Of Cosmic Horror

    Definitely gonna be using these in the future. I occasionally make some ambient music myself and it's always a treat to see how other people score Doom.
  8. Matt Eldrydge

    Mage Apprentice (Fantasy Weapons for Doom 1&2)

    Gave this a go, it's quite fun! I think this mod could use something like a radial weapon wheel given the weapon per slot density seems rather high. Gotta say I never expected I'd have a little army of chickens helping me out. :P Will definitely record a showcase of this when I have the time, more people should play this!
  9. Matt Eldrydge

    Disaster Jester: Classified - Bloodshed and Bubblegum

    I am a Matt and this mod is much good yes πŸ‘ I'll take this for a proper spin soon, then you know how it is: showcase and playthrough!
  10. Matt Eldrydge

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Working on a map for a restriction-based project.
  11. Matt Eldrydge

    Embraced.wad {MBF21} 3 Maps - idgames release!

    Whew, this one took a little while to get to and then a little longer to actually get though. While the mod I used to play Embraced is pretty strong, I still died something like 20 times and some of these fights would be pretty innacessible to me (on UV at least) so I'm glad it let me experience your latest work. :) Keep up the good work, man! Here's the video for the last map, I end up running my mouth a little but that's more because a lot of the time my brainpower was on the map and not on what I talked. :P