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About CravenCoyote

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    Too afraid to get my teeth into it

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  1. CravenCoyote

    Multiple attack sounds?

    From the ZDoom Wiki, you'd declare these in your SNDINFO lump. When mymonster/death is called, it'll pick between the three death sounds listed $random mymonster/death { mymonster/death1 mymonster/death2 mymonster/death3 } mymonster/death1 MMONDIE1 mymonster/death2 MMONDIE2 mymonster/death3 MMONDIE3
  2. Don't worry, his menacing arms are just for show! Dare we bring the Ashnarg dangerously close to HDoom territory? 😂
  3. I can't find anything at the moment, but it's something we considered. I'm not sure if models can support built-in lighting, but that's something we'll be looking at as well. Apparently it's quite easy to convert a vox model to an obj
  4. CravenCoyote

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Absolutely correct! Thread here
  5. Red gunner, comin' through! (Yes, it's just a re-skin at this point - trying to figure out a light solution!)
  6. TKG uses a mix of sprites and 3D models for monsters, and the 4-directional sprites were made from 3D models which are now lost, too - they're also asymmetrical but the sprites were taken from one side only. Weapons are also 3D models. Pickups are a mix of 3D models and sprites. It's kind of weird to have both in my personal opinion. Using voxels seems like a happy middle-ground between the two. As Arcturus mentioned, we're considering perhaps adding an option to switch between the two.
  7. Monsters in Doom when in situ are actually in their walking position and alternate between Frame A and Frame B. If you want to see Frame A in more detail, rotate it, zoom in etc, grab the attachment from this post and view online here: https://drububu.com/miscellaneous/voxelizer Sorry it's a zip, can't upload .vox here :) BLUAA-150.zip
  8. Well, this was a tough little cookie to make. The digitigrade legs definitely made it more difficult to get a good walk animation but I think we got there to an acceptable animation. The original sprite was quite compressed to the point where the eyes looked like they were joined together (or maybe it's a visor of some kind?). It's understandable why people would call them robots, even in the game it was sometimes difficult to see their green skin. The side view sprite of this enemy also has what I think are yellow fangs, but with the original models lost there's no way to tell for certain (as far as I'm aware). Undecided if the 'eyes' will be kept red, or switch back to a yellow mono-eye.
  9. Fava Beans is a nice, vintage wad. It's an Episode 1 replacement and plays like the days of old in a good way.
  10. Triclaw floating through red light
  11. Short video showing some of the voxel items as well as a test for the voxel Triclaw monster
  12. Sorry, I should clarify: Original game being Alien Breed 3D 1 (and sprite taken from Project Osiris) Edit: Ahh, sorry, I see what you mean! Yes, you're absolutely right
  13. Some more voxels we've been working on! Remember, nothing here is concrete. Some of these items might change or be adjusted in some way (some still need to be 'dirtied' like the medkit). Medkit Shotgun Ammo Energy Blaster Cells Armor Shard @0x4BADC4FE I'm using MagicaVoxel, then converting using VoxelShop then converting again online to .kvx format. Arcturus is using a combination of MagicaVoxel and SLAB6 I think (SLAB6 doesn't like my vox files even if I follow the same steps Arcturus is following for some reason). VoxelShop is java based and also has a Linux installation script. I'm not entirely sure how to use it effectively, but it does seem to do the job OK. You might be able to get MagicaVoxel to run under Proton or one of GloriousEggroll's Proton builds. For the monsters in TKG, they do all seem to attack the player and noone else. It's my intention to allow infighting between them, and with that you should be able to see all sides of each monster. We're hoping to use all voxel enemies at this point and also hoping it isn't too ambitious!