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About ReFracture

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  1. This whole experience unnerved me in ways no game ever has before and has led me down the path of experiencing Everything At The End of Time. I would suspect having multiple family members with severe brain problems makes this and especially your inspiration hit close to home. I'm an emotionally dead husk after experiencing them back to back. Uhg. Well done.
  2. ReFracture

    Bastion of Chaos - Low spec version is up!

    Ohhhh okay. Yeah.. I have my controller setup on the Linux version in a way that at best I would describe as... serviceable. Fortunately GZDoom supports Vulkan so performance loss from running the Windows version in Wine is probably negligible if anything.
  3. ReFracture

    Bastion of Chaos - Low spec version is up!

    Paste your command line it is trying to use. How is it handling spaces? I do not use a launcher personally but all I'm doing is changing to the directory bastion is in and running this command in terminal: gzdoom bastion\ v0.91.pk3, this brings up the iwad selector and I just pick doom2. Alternatively this is working too: gzdoom -iwad doom2.wad -file bastion\ v0.91.pk3 I didn't heed the warning about lights.pk3 so I'm dealing with a frame rate struggle from time to time.. GTX 980 Ti and 3770k.. Need to update this old war horse.
  4. Do these old ZDoom mods behave properly on modern GZDoom? I've had mixed impressions over the years on newer versions of ZDoom and it's derivatives breaking compatibility with some old mods. I'm feeling nostalgic enough to play some of these old maps.. If it's safer to use the build they were tested on to avoid breaks I might do that.
  5. ReFracture

    What WAD are you playing now?

    Alien Vendetta UV pistol starts. On map27 right now. Still mostly a good megawad, some maps I don't really care for these days.
  6. Hey.

    So I didn't really look into what you said much here until recently:

    Warm node builder worked just swell for this purpose, thanks for pointing it out.. I'm enjoying AV mirrored without a bunch of engine hackery. Life is funny in that it took 8 years to revisit this.. time flies..



  7. I have to agree, unfortunately. With basically everybody having moved on I just don't see Doom Connector as really worth all the work anymore.. ever since CodeImp left the project and DC went through an identity crisis between becoming Skulltag Online, Player Connector, Doom Connector again, Game Connector.. Doom Connector again.. the people just didn't follow. That's not to say it would be anymore active than a typical IRC server had its original incarnation never came to end.. but these days I think the model is people meet up on discord, brows the servers on Zandronum and pick one. I had fun testing out dlls with Rocket, and I do feel bad I wasn't online more often.. but that client is so old, doesn't really run under wine (I think I had it working once like 15 years ago??).. and I'm just not going to run Windows for it. Nothing will ever replace the fond memories I have for this program and the friends I made on it, and I really do wish we could relaunch it and have an active userbase eager to play some Doom on it.. but the novelty of playing Doom over the internet wore out a really long time ago, and gaming in general is now a saturated mess.
  8. ReFracture

    PrBoom+ 2.6.66 (Jun 20, 2023)

    I tried searching the thread to see if any further discussion on Linux was found with regards to binaries and didn't see anything, apologies if it's already covered. For whatever it's worth on the Linux front I was able to easily build it with cmake on Slackware64. I had to install portmidi to get the one (non-fatal) error cmake was giving me to be sorted. The syntax for basic building with cmake is pretty simple. git clone https://github.com/coelckers/prboom-plus/tree/master/prboom2 cd prboom/prboom2/ mkdir build cd build cmake .. make I have no idea if the produced binaries are useful for throwing into a package for use on other distros or not but in anycase here they are if somebody wants them. prboom2_x86_64.zip
  9. ReFracture

    The Metal / Rock Music Discussion Thread

    Edit: I'm dumb and didn't see the other more recent and relevant thread:
  10. ReFracture

    The Metal / Rock Music Fans

    Been jamming to 'City' by SYL lately. Love this track in particular:
  11. I'd probably vote for not resetting for updates while I'm actively using the computer ala Windows 10.. but that's great too.
  12. Interesting.. not sure why I didn't have to do that. I'm not familiar with pacman specifically but I would assume that when a package is installed it puts the dependencies into the appropriate lib folder, gives the file itself whatever name it wants, then creates the general named link file to point to it. In my case I found libfluidsynth.so in /usr/lib64 This file is a link to libfluidsynth.so.1, which itself is a link to libfluidsynth.so.1.7.1, which is the actual dependency from what I can tell. The idea being I imagine that programs would only know to look for the general .so file, not specific versions of it.. hence the use of links. I'm not very linux savvy myself though so I could be off.
  13. So unsurprisingly by your build attempts fluidsynth isn't detected. What version do you have? Is it a x86_x64 version? If the dependencies listed are satisfied I imagine it should be able to compile it. https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/fluidsynth/ If nothing else you could grab fluidsynth from https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/releases Compile that yourself and then attempt compiling Doom64ex again. Could be something with the fluidsynth from your distros package manager. I just used the one on slackbuilds (Basically my distros packages).
  14. Paste your terminal output you get after running cmake. For some reason it's trying to compile fluidsynth which doesn't seem necessary if you already have it. If you still have troubles you could try just using my compiled binary. It might not behave right if your fluidsynth files aren't detected though.. also you'll have to source doom64.wad and doomsnd.sf2 using the wadgen function detailed in the source's readme. Doom64EX-master 20-9-2018.zip